
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Battle of Hakusukinoe

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Battle of Hakusukinoe

白村江の戦い 白村江の戦い
alternative words: Hakusukinoe no tatakai, Hakusonko no tatakai, Hakusukinoe, Hakusonko
keywords: korea , war
related topics: Emperor Tenchi , Paekche , Silla
explanation: In 660, one of 3 Korean kingdoms, Paekche, was conquered by Tang and Silla's troops and its king, captured. Some retainers, fled to Japan, requested its help to restore Paekche's throne. Japan responded positively and sent dozens of thousands soldiers to Korean peninsula. During a great naval battle which took place in 663 near Hakusukinoe river, Japanese fleet was severely beaten. As consequence of this battle, Japan had been definitively excluded from the peninsula.

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