Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Yokohama

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Yokohama City

横浜市 横浜
alternative words: Yokohamashi city, Yokohama, Yokohamashi, Yokohama-shi, Yokohama shi
keywords: harbor , kanagawa , town , world cup
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Shomyoji Temple , Keihin electric express railway , Tokyu corporation
related web sites: ,
explanation: A solitary village on Tama Hill, Yokohama has developed quickly after an opening of its harbor, according to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and USA in 1859. Kannai District is the city center and in the reclamation land near Kawasaki, there is a concentration of large plants such as iron and steal industry, shipyards, chemical and refinery industry etc. Its population is 3 millions and has the office of Kanagawa prefecture. The final of world cup 2002 will take place there.

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