Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Tokyo bay

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Tokyo bay

alternative words: Tokyo inlet, Tokyowan bay, Tokyowan, Tokyo-wan, Tokyo wan
keywords: sea , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Aqualine , Ichihara city , Kawasaki city , Boso peninsula , Sumida river , Tama river
explanation: Tokyo Bay is an inlet located in the south of Kanto Area. Placed between Boso Peninsula on the east and Miura Peninsula on the west, it communicates on the south with Pacific Ocean via Uraga Channel. Spanning 30km from east to west and 80km from south to north, its depth is generally less than 30m in the north and increases gradually toward the south. It faces Tokyo, the capital, and Kehin Industry Area is in the west. Now you can cross the bay by car through Aqualine.

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