Takeshima Island竹島 独島alternative words: Takeshima islands, Takeshima, Take-shima, Take shima, Tokdo island, Tok-do keywords: island , territorial dispute related topics: Shimane Prefecture , Oki island related web sites: http://www.php.co.jp/THE21/kokusai/takesima.html , http://www004.upp.so-net.ne.jp/teikoku-denmo/no_frame/history/honbun/takeshima.html , http://www.geocities.jp/tanaka_kunitaka/takeshima/ explanation: Minuscule island (or rocks) lost in Japan Sea between Japanese Oki island and Korean Ullungdo island. Though owing no trees and no waters, it has become the subject of a bitter political dispute between Japan and South Korea. It has been under de facto control of Korean army since 1952. Its total surface is 0.2 km2. | |