Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Shikoku

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Shikoku island

alternative words: Shikoku, Shikoku-to, Shikoku to, Island of Shikoku
keywords: island , region , shikoku
related topics: Naruto Bridge , Setoohashi Bridge , Inland sea , Kyushu island , Honshu island
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explanation: The 4th biggest island of Japan. It is surrounded in the north and east by Honshu, the west by Kyushu and facing Pacific ocean in the south. The island is mountainous and the culminating point is 1982m of Mt Ishizuchi. The climate is mild. Now, Shikoku being attached to Honshu island via 3 series of long bridges, the fast industry development should be expected. The surface of Shikoku is about 18,000 km2.

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