Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Sado Island

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Sado Island

佐渡島 佐渡
alternative words: Sadogashima Island, Sadogashima, Sado-ga-shima, Sado ga shima, Sado, Sado shima
keywords: island
related topics: Niigata prefecture , Niigata city
related web sites: ,
explanation: After 4 major islands, it is the biggest one (857 km2) among those located near Honshu. The island is formed by 2 mountain chains and between them it has a plain, "Kuninaka Heya". During Edo period, the biggest gold mine in Japan had been exploited but now exhausted. Washed by Tsushima current, the climate is mild even in the winter. There exists a ferry liaison from Niigata city to the island's capital, Ryotsu city.

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