Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Narita airport

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Narita Airport

成田空港 成田国際空港 成田飛行場 成田
alternative words: Narita, Narita International Airport, New Tokyo International Airport
keywords: airport
related topics: Haneda Airport , Chiba Prefecture , Keisei electric railway
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explanation: Principal airport of Tokyo and its environment. Initial airport of Tokyo, Haneda being saturated, the government decided to build a new airport in Chiba prefecture in 1966. Due to a protestation coming from farmers and students, the airport opened very lately in 1978 with only one runway. In order to reach the airport from Tokyo, take a train from Tokyo or Ueno railroad stations (one hour of trip) or a bus from major stations and hotels (between one and half and 2 hours of trip)

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