Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Nagano prefecture

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Nagano Prefecture

alternative words: Naganoken prefecture, Nagano, Naganoken, Nagano-ken, Nagano ken
keywords: nagano , olympic games , prefecture , tourist resort
related topics: Matsumoto Castle , Karuizawa , Nagano City , Kamikochi , Suwataisha Shrine , Mt. Asama , Mt. Yari , Central Alps , South Alps , Mt. Yatsu
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: Nagano prefecture occupies the central part of Chubu region. Its surface is 13,584 km2 and the population 2.1 millions. The prefectural office is at Nagano City. The prefecture owns many high mountains surpassing 3,000 m high while most of human activity is concentrated on the valleys. Though the cultivable surface is small, the farmers are yielding many vegetables and fruits. Recently, thanks to a pure air and waters, optical and electronics industry are developing.

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