Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Mt. Bandai

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Mt. Bandai

alternative words: Mount Bandai, Mount Bandaisan, Mt Bandai, Mount Bandai san, Bandaisan, Bandai-san, Bandai san, Bandai
keywords: mountain , tohoku , volcano
related topics: Fukushima Prefecture , Lake Inawashiro , Inawashiro ski ground
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explanation: It is a strato-volcano, with 1819m high, located in the central north region of Fukushima prefecture, on the northern shore of Lake Inawashiro. Formed by andesite, it has a trace of crater, called Numano-taira, at its peak. The great explosion of July 1888 made 461 victims and innumerable lacs and ponds on the northern slope. Belonging to Bandai-asahi National Park, the view from the top is splendid. There is Inawashiro Ski Station on its southern slope.

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