Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Miyazaki

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Miyazaki City

alternative words: Miyazakishi city, Miyazakishi, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki shi, Miyazaki
keywords: g8 , kyushu , town
related topics: Miyazaki Prefecture , Miyazaki shrine
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explanation: Capital of Miyazaki Prefecture on the Pacific Ocean. Once a tiny town it has developed quickly after the government chose it as the capital of the prefecture in 1883. There exist little industries excepting for tourism and agriculture. A part of summit 2000 will be held at this town. The population is about 280,000.

Miyazaki Prefecture

alternative words: Miyazakiken prefecture, Miyazakiken, Miyazaki-ken, Miyazaki ken, Miyazaki
keywords: g8 , kyushu , prefecture
related topics: Miyazaki city , Nobeoka city , Mt. Kirishima , Linear motor train
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explanation: Miyazaki prefecture occupies the south-western part of Kyushu region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 7,734 km2 and the population 1.1 million. The prefectural office is at Miyazaki City. The region is essential rural and the farmers are producing vegetables and fruits like oranges, strawberry and bananas thanks to a mild climate. Around Mt. Kirishima, they are practicing dairy farming too. Being covered by forests, 80% of its surface, the forestry and culture of mushrooms are prosperous.

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