Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Mito city

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Mito city

水戸市 水戸
alternative words: Mitoshi city, Mitoshi, Mito-shi, Mito shi, Mito
keywords: town
related topics: Ibaraki prefecture
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explanation: Capital of Ibaraki prefecture. Located near Naka river, Mito had appeared at the end of Heian period as a tiny castle town but it began to really develop when a son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, Yorifusa moved there as a vice shogun (Gosanke) in 1609. Being the center of Kokugaku (national learning) during Edo period, it owns many historic monuments like Kairakuen garden and Kodokan school. Tobacco and Natto (fermented soybeans) of Mito are well known. The population is 240,000.

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