Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kyoto prefecture

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Kyoto Prefecture

京都府 京都
alternative words: Kyotofu prefecture, Kyotofu, Kyoto fu, Kyoto, Kioto
keywords: kyoto , prefecture
related topics: Kyoto City , Amanohashidate , Kamo river
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explanation: Kyoto prefecture occupies the north-central part of Kinki region, facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 4,612 km2 and the population 2.5 millions. The prefectural office is at Kyoto City. The northern region is mountainous and heavily snowed in winter, while the southern plain is urbanized and mostly occupied by Kyoto City. As an old culture center of Japan, many crafts are produced such as pottery, silk cloths and dye works, and of course the tourism is prosperous.

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