Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kawasaki

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Kawasaki city

川崎市 川崎
alternative words: Kawasakishi city, Kawasakishi, Kawasaki-shi, Kawasaki shi, Kawasaki
keywords: kanagawa , town
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture , Yokohama city , Tokyo prefecture , Aqualine , Tokyo bay
related web sites: ,
explanation: Sandwiched between Tokyo and Yokohama, it comes from a merger of "temple town", Taishicho and "post town" Kawasaki. Located at the core of a vast industry zone, "Keihin", it owns many heavy industries such as steel, machinery, chemical, petroleum, electric etc. in the eastern reclaimed land, while 2 attraction parks, Yomiuriland, Mukogaoka are in the western rural area. Recently opened Aqualine brings you to another side of Tokyo bay in 30mn. The population is about 1 million.

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