Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kanto region

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Kanto region

関東地方 関東
alternative words: Kantou region, Kanto area, Kanto, Kantou
keywords: kanagawa , region , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Hakone , Honshu island , Kansai region
explanation: Located in the center of Honshu and facing Pacific ocean, Kanto region is the most populated area in Japan with 40 million inhabitants. It is formed by Kanto plain in the center and surrounded by mountains of about 2000m high. It includes Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures. Since Tokugawa family was moved to Tokyo in the last 16 century, it has developed as the political center of Japan. Kanto means "east of customs barrier", referring to that of Mt Hakone.

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