Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kanagawa prefecture

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Kanagawa Prefecture

alternative words: Kanagawaken prefecture, Kanagawa, Kanagawaken, Kanagawa ken
keywords: kanagawa , prefecture
related topics: Kamakura City , Yokohama City , Yokosuka City , Kawasaki city , Hakone , Odawara city , Miura peninsula , Aqualine , Yomiuri Land
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explanation: Kanagawa prefecture occupies the southern part of Kanto region just adjacent to Tokyo from the south. Its surface is 2,402 km2 and the population 7.4 millions. The prefectural office is at Yokohama City. The north-eastern part is well urbanized around Yokohama and Kawasaki, 2 big cities, with many factories on Tokyo Bay area. Though heavily populated, Kanagawa has may tourist resorts like Shonan beach and old Kamakura town on the south, and Hakone on the west.

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