Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kagoshima city

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Kagoshima city

鹿児島市 鹿児島
alternative words: Kagoshimashi city, Kagoshimashi, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima shi, Kagoshima
keywords: kyushu , town
related topics: Kagoshima prefecture , Sakurajima , Okinawa prefecture , Kagoshima bay
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explanation: Located on the western shore of Kagoshima bay, the prefectural office is settled there. It has developed as a castle town of Shimazu clan who was controlling south Kyushu. Because of the vicinity to an active volcano, Sakurajima, the town is frequently compared to Naples. Other tourist spots are the remaining of Kagoshima castle (Shiro Yama) and the private garden of seigniors (Iso Teien). It is also a starting point to island chain (Nansei shoto) which spans up to Okinawa. The population is 530,000.

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