Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kagoshima Prefecture

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Kagoshima Prefecture

鹿児島県 鹿児島
alternative words: Kagoshimaken prefecture, Kagoshima, Kagoshimaken, Kagoshima ken
keywords: kyushu , prefecture
related topics: Yaku Island , Tane Island , Mt. Kirishima , Amami island , Kagoshima city , Ibusuki city , Kagoshima bay
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explanation: Kagoshima prefecture occupies the southern part of Kyushu region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 9,165 km2 and the population 1.8 million. The prefectural office is at Kagoshima City. Traditional agricultural products were potatoes, tobaccos and sugar canes. Now the farmers are shifting their products to fruits, vegetable and dairy farming. There exist some gold and iron mines. Volcano like Mts. Kirishima and Sakurajima attract many tourists. The forest of Yaku island is famous too.

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