Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kagawa prefecture

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Kagawa Prefecture

alternative words: Kagawaken prefecture, Kagawa, Kagawaken, Kagawa ken
keywords: prefecture , shikoku
related topics: Kotohira shrine , Setoohashi bridge , Shikoku island , Takamatsu city
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explanation: Kagawa prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Shikoku region, facing Inland Sea. Its surface is 1,882 km2 and the population 1 million. The prefectural office is at Takamatsu City. Having a small rainfall, many reservoirs have been created to cultivate rice. Now, the farmers are diversifying products like peach, orange, olive, poultry. The industries like chemistry, machinery and shipyards are active and further development is expected by a newly opened bridge junction with Honshu.

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