Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ishikawa prefecture

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Ishikawa Prefecture

石川県 石川
alternative words: Ishikawaken prefecture, Ishikawa, Ishikawaken, Ishikawa-ken, Ishikawa ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kanazawa city , Noto peninsula
related web sites: ,
explanation: Ishikawa prefecture occupies the northern part of Chubu region facing Japanese Sea, between Toyama and Fukui prefectures. Its surface is 4,197 km2 and the population 1.1 million. The prefectural office is at Kanazawa City. Ishikawa's traditional crafts have a good reputation, like silk cloths, pottery and lacquer. Fishing is active in the northern region which forms a peninsula, while in the southern region, the farmers are cultivating fruits, tobacco and rice fields.

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