Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Haneda airport

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Haneda Airport

羽田空港 羽田飛行場 東京国際空港 羽田
alternative words: Haneda, Haneda international airport, Tokyo airport, Tokyo international airport
keywords: airport , tokyo
related topics: Narita Airport , Tokyo Prefecture , Keihin electric express railway , Tokyo tower
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explanation: Old airport of Tokyo. Situated in the south-eastern part of Tokyo on a reclaimed land, it has 3 runways and the 4th has been just opened. After the opening of a new airport at Narira in 1978, most of the international traffics has been moved there and it is now reserved for internal flights and charters. Being located near Tokyo's downtown, its access is very easy. You can take a monorail from Hamamatsu station near Tokyo Tower. Since 1998, Keihin railway arrives directly at Haneda airport, too.

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