Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Gunma Prefecture

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Gunma Prefecture

群馬県 群馬
alternative words: Gunma, Gunmaken, Gunma-ken, Gunma ken, Gumma prefecture, Gumma, Gummaken, Gumma ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Mt. Asama , Oze plain , Tone river , Maebashi city , Takasaki city , Shimonita city , Numata city , Kusatsu spa , Mt Haruna
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explanation: Gunma prefecture occupies the north-western part of Kanto region. Its surface is 6,355 km2 and the population 1.9 million. The prefectural office is at Maebashi City. Gunma is well known for its textile related industry since the Middle Ages. Though it is now declining, thanks to an abundant electric supply from Tone River, the chemical and electric industry is developing. The region is also well known for its tourist spots like Mts. Haruna and Tanigawa, and many hot springs.

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