Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Etorofu Island

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Etorofu Island

alternative words: Etorohu Island, Etorof Island, Iturup Island
keywords: hokkaido , island , territorial dispute , volcano
related topics: Kuril Island , Kunashiri Island
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Essentially volcanic, Etorofu is the largest island among Kuril chain with 3184 km2. In the north, it is separated with Uruppu Island by Etorofu Strait while in the south with Kunashiri Island by Kunashiri Strait. The culminate point is Mt. Sanpu of 1580m. Kondo Juzo built a stele in 1798, claiming its belonging to Japan. In December 1941, Japanese naval fleet left Hitokappu bay in Etorofu Island to attack Pearl Harbor. Now occupied by Russia, it is one of the 4 islands that Japan is claiming a return back.

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