Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Awaji island

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Awaji Island

alternative words: Awajishima Island, Awaji-shima Island, Awajishima, Awaji-shima, Awaji shima, Awaji
keywords: island , shikoku
related topics: Hyogo prefecture , Naruto bridge , Akashi bridge , Akashi strait , Inland sea , Osaka bay
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in Inland Sea (Setonaikai) between Honshu and Shikoku islands before Osaka, it closes Osaka bay from the west. Its surface is 595km2. The climate is mild and the culture of fruits and vegetables have been developed. Recently Honshu and Awaji islands as well as the latter and Shikoku have been linked by 2 long bridges. Japanese mythology says that it would be the first island created by Gods, Izanagi and Izanami. A part of the island belongs to "Setonaikai National Park".

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