Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Atami city

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Atami city

熱海市 熱海
alternative words: Atamishi city, Atamishi, Atami shi, Atami, Atami spa, Atami onsen
keywords: hot spring , town
related topics: Shizuoka prefecture , Hakone
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explanation: Located in eastern Shizuoka prefecture near Hakone mountain, Atami is one of the oldest and biggest hot springs in Japan. A legend says that hot waters were gushing out in the sea to kill many fishes: Atami is a phonetic deformation of Ataumi, i.e. "hot sea". Though Atami was frequented by many famous persons, its real expansion has begun when Tanna tunnel of Tokaido railway opened in 1934. As tourist spots, there are Hatsushima island and Jukkoku pass. The population is 45,000.

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