Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: event

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Japanese abduction

日本人拉致 北朝鮮拉致
alternative words: North Korean Kidnapping, Japanese abducted by North Koreans
keywords: event
related topics: Koizumi Junichiro
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Between 70's and 80's, many Japanese disappeared suddenly without leaving any traces. Most of the cases happening on Japan Sea side, people quickly suspected the North Korean secret service but North Koreans had denied it until September 2002 when Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi met North Korean general secretary, Kim Il Jung. The most famous victims are Megumi Yokota, a young girl abducted at the age of 13 and Hitomi Soga who married with an American deserter during Korean war, Charles Jenkins.

Kyoto protocol

京都議定書 京都会議
alternative words: Kyoto's protocol, Protocol of Kyoto, Kyoto's meeting, Kyoto's reunion
keywords: event
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Organized in December 1997with 168 participating nations, Kyoto's reunion has been the largest meeting on the environment problems. Due to divergent interests not only between environmentalists and industrials but also developed and under-developed countries, the discussion was heated. The protocol adopted finally stipulates that Japan should diminish in 10 years CO2 gas emission of 6%, USA 8%, EU 7%. In 2001, the newly elected US president J.W. Bush declared not willing to follow it.

Lockheed scandal

alternative words: Lockheed affairs, Lockheed fraud, Lockheed bribery, Lockheed bribery scandal, Lockheed jiken
keywords: event
related topics: Tanaka Kakuei
related web sites:
explanation: In 1976, during a hearing at foreign affairs committee in USA senate, it was discovered that Lockheed would pay huge bribes to Japanese prime minister, Tanaka Kakuei and transport minister, Hashimoto Tomisaburo in order to sell their civil airplanes, Tristar to "Zen nihon kuyu" (ANA) through Marubeni corporation. Beginning from 1977, the tribunal declared guilty Tanaka Kakuei for bribery in 1983 and confirmed it in appeal but the case was dropped due to his death in 1993.

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