
Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: machine

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3DO Real

alternative words: 3DO
keywords: machine , model
related topics: Matsushita
explanation: Multimedia standard for game machines of the next generation, i.e. of 32 bits developed by an America company which carries the same name. Matsushita has purchased its license and released a machine obeying this standard with the name of "3DO Real" in March 1994. Though it was the first machine of the new generation, because of its poor catalog (most of the software is merely an adaptation of American products) the sales has been never successful.

Arcade machine

alternative words: Professional machine, Arcade
keywords: general , machine
related topics: Console
explanation: Game machine intended to a professional usage like those in game centers, contrary to the console for home usage. There exist many video game which have shown its popularity in game centers before passing to home market such as "Space Invader" or Pacman.


keywords: general , machine
explanation: Data medium widely used in game consoles. Contrary to CD-Rom, the medium is difficult to falsify and its access is extremely fast. The inconvenience is its fabrication cost.

Code conversion

alternative words: Conversion
keywords: general , machine
explanation: Machines for video games being rarely compatible between them, the code conversion from a model to another is an expensive industry and demands much care, especially from the console version to the arcade.

Color depth

alternative words: Number of colors
keywords: general , machine
explanation: Beginning with only 4 simultaneously displayable colors on "Family Computer" in 1983, man has assisted to an inexorable inflation of color depth and it has brought us up to 16 million color palette that most of the current machines are able to display.


alternative words: Consumer machine
keywords: general , machine
related topics: Arcade machine
explanation: Machine intended to be used at home, contrary to those intended to be used at game centers. Famous examples are "Super Famicom" of Nintendo and "Play Station" of Sony.


alternative words: Joystick
keywords: general , machine
explanation: From a simple button to control the progress of a game at the early period, it has developed considerably with an expansion of video games and Nintendo has proved to be very innovator in this domain. We can cite as its innovations, cruciform button in "Game & Watch", microphone in "Family Computer", L-R button in "Super Famicom" and 3D stick in "Nintendo 64".

Disk System

keywords: machine , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Family Computer
explanation: Accessory allowing to use floppy disks with "Family Computer", and consequently to conceive more complex games like "Legende of Zelda", thank to a far superior memory size. At the same time, game shops offered an exchange by inscribing other games for the modest amount of 500 yens: certain advantage for school children with a small purse.


alternative words: Dream Cast
keywords: machine , model , sega
related topics: Sega , Mega Drive , Sega Saturn
related web sites:
explanation: Consumer machine released by Sega in November 1998. It was said to be the first game machine of 128 bits. In actual fact, the only graphic chip works with 128 bits while CPU (Hitachi sh4) works only with 32 bits. Anyway, it deserves the name of a "new generation" because of a bus of 100 mega hertz (comparable to the top level PC), a GD-Rom drive (CD-Rom of 1 giga bytes) and an incorporated modem to play together by connecting to Internet.

Family Computer

alternative words: Famicom
keywords: machine , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Super Famicom
explanation: Console device released by Nintendo in July 1983. It is the first machine which has got a real success. In order to be sold for home usage, the fabrication cost has been studied at the extreme but it hasn't been forgotten to add 2 controllers to be able to play 2. Though it seems very primitive for nowadays (8 bits cpu and only 4 colors), la machine has become quickly popular. The spectacular success of "Super Mario Brothers" is legendary with more than 10 million copies sold in the world.

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