Akebono Taro曙太郎 曙alternative words: Akebono, Taro Akebono, Chad George Rowan keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo , Yokozuna related web sites: http://cen4.ec.hokudai.ac.jp/~s960084/report/yokoduna/y64.html , http://www.wnn.or.jp/wnn-t/database/rikishidata/akebono.html , http://www.educ.cc.keio.ac.jp/~i05259/sumo/yokoduna/64.html explanation: Born on May 8, 1969 in Hawaii, he is the first foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of a great champion, Yokozuna. He won 11 times championship in the national tournaments and belongs to the stable of Azumazeki alias Takamiyama, another Hawaii born sumo wrestler. Chad George Rowan is his American name. He retired in January 2001. Basho場所keywords: northern territory , sumo related topics: Edo period , Ezochi , Sumo , Matsumae domain explanation: During Edo period, some public places were rent to merchants against a part of the earnings coming from their activity. The most famous example is "Sumo Basho" because sumo tournaments occurred initially on the ground of temples or shrines. The exploitation of Ezochi (Hokkaido) also based on this model: wealthy merchants of Tokyo or Osaka received a lot of lands to exploit it freely such as fishing, forest and mines. Konishiki Yasokichi小錦八十吉alternative words: Konishiki, Yasokichi Konishiki keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo related web sites: http://www.infocr.co.jp/koni/ explanation: Born on December 31, 1963 in Hawaii, he is the first foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of ozeki. Though, he won 3 times championships in the national tournaments, because of repeated wounds, he has near missed the title of a great sumo champion, i.e. yokozuna. Having belonged to the stable of Azumazeki alias Takamiyama, another Hawaii born sumo wrestler, he has retired from sumo wrestler in November 1997 and become an actor. Musashimaru Koyo武蔵丸光洋 武蔵丸alternative words: Musashimaru keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo , Yokozuna related web sites: http://www03.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/rd5/musasi/ , http://cen4.ec.hokudai.ac.jp/~s960084/report/yokoduna/y67.html explanation: Born on May 2, 1971 in Samoa island and educated in Hawaii, he is the second foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of a great champion, Yokozuna. He won 7 times championship in the national tournaments and belongs to the stable of Musashigawa, contrary to other Hawaii born sumo wrestlers. Shimenawa注連縄alternative words: Shimenawa rope, Shime nawa, Sacred rope, Shinto rope keywords: craft , shintoism , sumo , thing related topics: Shintoism , Edo period , Yokozuna , Torii related web sites: http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~auto/SIMENAWA.html explanation: A rope made by twisting together straws. It is hung horizontally to indicate a sacred shintoism place such as praying hall or torii. Since Edo period, it has been also used as a belt of sumo champion, yokozuna during his presentation (yokozun means "horizontal rope"). The most of shrines hang "shimenawa" with its root (thick side) on the right but Izumo shrine observes the inverse. Until recently, it was made by farmers living in vicinity but it has become difficult to find volunteers. Sumo相撲 角力alternative words: Sumo wrestling, Sumou, Sumoo keywords: sumo related topics: Edo period , Yokozuna , Sumo referee , Sumo judge , Sumo ring , Akebono Taro , Konishiki Yasokichi related web sites: http://www.sumo.or.jp , http://www.hikyaku.com/gallery/english/sumo.htm explanation: Sumo is the Japanese national sport. It is a battle of 2 persons in a ring and its goal is to reverse the adversary or push him out of the ring. Being played since Nara-Yamato period, professional wrestlers appeared in Muromachi period and sumo for religious charities was very poplar in Edo period. Nowadays, the grand tournament of 15 days takes place 6 times each year. Sumo judge検査役 審判委員alternative words: Ringside judge, Kensa yaku, Shinpan iin, Kensayaku, Shinpaniin keywords: sumo related topics: Sumo , Sumo referee explanation: Sitting at the 4 sides of sumo ring, they (4 persons) can make an eventual opposition to the umpire's judgment (mono ii). Then, they discuss together on the ring and give a conclusion to the empire: it may be a confirmation of the judgment, a reversion or an indecision. In the latter case, the wrestlers have to begin another match (tori naoshi). Those persons are elected among retired sumo wrestlers. Shinpan-iin (judge) is the modern name of Kensa-yaku (controller). Sumo referee行司alternative words: Sumo umpire, Gyouji, Gyoji, Gyou ji, Gyo ji keywords: sumo related topics: Sumo , Sumo judge explanation: Gyoji is a sumo referee. His role consists in opposing 2 wrestlers in sumo ring and directing the referee's fan to the winner after a match. If there is no protestation coming from ringside judges, he confirms the judgment by declaring the winner's name. The main houses of sumo referees are Kimura and Shikimori. Sumo ring土俵alternative words: Dohyo, Dohyou, Dohyoo keywords: sumo related topics: Sumo explanation: Dohyo is a place where a sumo match occurs. Officially it has a circular form with 455 cm of diameter. Initially there had been a pillar at each corner but too dangerous, it has been replaced by a suspended tassel since 1952. Dohyo means in Japanese "earthen straw bag" used to delimit this ring. Yokozuna横綱alternative words: Great sumo champion, Great sumo champion wrestler keywords: sumo , title related topics: Sumo , Akebono Taro , Musashimaru Koyo , Shimenawa explanation: Highest rank of professional sumo wrestlers nowadays, but initially it was not so. During Edo period, when the best sumo wrestlers made a show before shogun, they wore a special champion belt (shimenawa). Yokozuna is the name of this belt. It has become officially a rank of sumo wrestlers since 1909. Contrary to other ranks, Yokuzuna never goes down to a lower rank. The only possibility when he loses too many matches is a retirement from the profession. Page number: 1 10 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |