
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: statesman

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Arai Hakuseki

alternative words: Hakuseki Arai
keywords: famous person , scholar , statesman
related topics: Edo period , Edo shogunate , Ronin , Hatamoto
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explanation: Scholar and statesman born in 1657 in a samurai family of Chiba prefecture. He remained a ronin in his youth but continued to learn in school of Kinoshita Junan. He was engaged as a confucianist teacher by Tokugawa Ienori who would become later the 6th shogun. He remained as a confident of Ienori and carried out many reforms such as suppression of bad quality moneys to stop the inflation. He was also excellent scholars and wrote many books such as Seiyo Kibun. He died in 1725.

Enomoto Takeaki

榎本武揚 榎本武揚
alternative words: Takeaki Enomoto, Enomoto Buyo, Buyo Enomoto, Enomoto Buyou, Buyou Enomoto
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , northern territory , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Saint Petersburg treaty , Hatamoto , Boshin war
explanation: Born in 1836 in a Hatamoto family. He learned naval technique in Tokyo and Nagasaki to become himself a teacher. Between 1862 and 1866, he studied in Holland naval technique and international law. After returned back to Japan, he was nominated to Marine Minister (Kaigun bugyo) of Tokugawa shogunate. After its defeat in 1868, he refused to surrender and fled to Hakodata with his ships, but finally pardoned. He served then in many ministerial posts of Meiji government.

Fujiwara no Fuhito

藤原不比等 不比等
alternative words: Fujiwarano Fuhito
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Nakatomi no Kamatari , Heijokyo , Fujiwara family , Emperor Shomu
explanation: Born in 659 as a son of Kamatari, the major contributor of Taika reform. Being a clever politician as his father, his daughter became a wife of Shomu emperor and he strove for moving the capital to Nara in 710. He died in 720 and his 4 sons, Muchimaro, Fusasaki, Umakai and Maro became the founders of 4 main Fujiwara branches, i.e. respectively Nanke, Hokke, Shikike and Kyoke.

Fujiwara no Michinaga

藤原道長 道長
alternative words: Fujiwarano Michinaga, Michinaga
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Fujiwara family , Heian period
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explanation: Born in 966 as the 4th son of the regent, Kaneie. Thanks to successive deaths of his elder brothers, he became suddenly one of pretenders of the house succession. After a fierce political battles with Korechika, a son of his eldest brother, he eliminated him and forced to accept his daughter, Shoshi as the second wife of Emperor Ichijo. He also let marry another daughter, Kenshi, with the next emperor, Sanjo. A famous poem compared his life to a full moon, i.e. nothing is lacking. He died in 1027.

Goto Shinpei

alternative words: Shinpei Goto, Goto Shimpei, Shimpei Goto, Gotou Shinpei, Shinpei Gotou
keywords: northern territory , statesman
related topics: Itagaki Taisuke
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explanation: Born in 1857 in Iwate prefecture. First he studied medicine and became the director of Aichi medical school at the age of 25. By examining Itagaki Taisuke who had been attacked by a thug, he was appointed to the chief of medical bureau of interior ministry. Then he was appointed by Kodama Gentaro to the civilian governor of Taiwan. In 1906, he became the first president of Manchurian railroad then a foreign minister. He was elected mayor of Tokyo in 1920. He died in 1929.

Hara Takashi

alternative words: Hara Kei, Hara Satoshi, Takashi Hara, Kei Hara, Satoshi Hara
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Meiji period , Taisho period , Siberian intervention
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explanation: Born in 1856 in a high ranked samurai family of Iwate prefecture. After studied at law and missionary schools, he became first a journalist then a diplomat thanks to supports of Inoue Kaoru and Mutsu Munemitsu. In 1900, he participated to the creation of Rikken Seiyukai party. After diverse ministerial posts, he became the first prime minister issued from a political party in 1918. Due to Siberian intervention and the opposition to an universal suffrage, his popularity declined and was assassinated in 1921.

Hayashi Razan

alternative words: Razan Hayashi, Razan
keywords: famous person , philosophy , scholar , statesman
related topics: Edo shogunate , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Shushigaku
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explanation: Born in 1583 and became first a Buddhist monk. Then, he learned Neo Confucianism (Shushigaku) from the famous confucianist, Fujiwara Seika. In 1605, he was appointed as Confucianism instructor of Tokugawa Ieyasu thanks to his impressive knowledge of Japanese and Chinese classics. By serving 4 successive shoguns, he contributed greatly to set up different laws of Tokugawa regime such as Buke shohatto and Shushigaku as official ideology of Tokugawa regime. He died 1657.

Hojo Masako

alternative words: Masako Hojo
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Hojoshi , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Kamakura shogunate , Gokenin
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explanation: Born in 1157 as a daughter of Hojo Tokimasa, a local seignior of Izu province. When she got married with Minamoto no Yoritomo who had been exiled there, her destiny changed completely because Yoritomo became later a shogun. After the death of Yoritomo in 1199, she became a nun but actively participated to Kamakura shogunate's policy decision. During Shokyu disturbance in 1221, she encouraged Gokenin to fight, so she was called Amashogun, i.e. "Nun shogun"

Itagaki Taisuke

alternative words: Taisuke Itagaki
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period
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explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Tosa domain. During Meiji revolution, he had greatly contributed to beat the resistance of Tohoku region. For that reason, he got an important post in the newly created Meiji government but quickly left it because of a dispute on the Korean policy. Then he strove for the creation of a Japanese parliament by forming "Liberal Party". He was nearly killed by a terrorist attack in 1882. He died in 1919 and is considered the father of Japanese democracy.

Ito Hirobumi

alternative words: Hirobumi Ito, Itou Hirobumi, Hirobumi Itou, Itoh Hirobumi
keywords: famous person , korea , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji Revolution , Meiji period , Choshu domain , Yoshida Shoin , Genro , Meiji constitution
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explanation: Born in 1841 in a poor family of Choshu domain. After studies in Yoshida Shoin's school, he was sent to England to learn western technology but returned back when a war against 4 colonial powers broke out. After the restoration of Meiji, he became the most influential man and worked on the elaboration of Meiji constitution to become himself the first Japanese prime minister. Favorable to the annexation of Korea, he was assassinated by a nationalist in 1909 in Manchuria.

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