
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: mythology

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3 imperial treasures

三種の神器 三種神器
alternative words: Sanshu no jingi, 3 imperial regalia, Sanshunojingi
keywords: mythology , religion , thing
related topics: Yamato dynasty , Tumulus , Amaterasu , Susano , Yamata no Orochi , Heian period , Battle of Dannoura
explanation: As a great number of sabers and mirrors found from tumulus testify, Japanese had given them a mythical power. "Kusanagi no tsurugi", saber found by Susano from a tail of "Yamata no orochi" and "Yata no Kagami", religious item used by goddess Amaterasu, were considered 2 imperial regalia. Since Heian period, Yasakani no magatama (necklace of jade) has been added. Those 3 treasures sank at the battle of "Dan no ura" in 1185 but some claim that they should be replica.


天照大神 天照尊
alternative words: Amaterasu omikami, Amaterasu ominokami, Amaterasunomikoto, Amaterasu no mikoto, Goddess Amaterasu, God Amaterasu
keywords: god , mythology , shintoism
related topics: Kojiki , Nihonshoki , Himiko , Yamato dynasty , Izanagi Izanami , Susano , Takamagahara , Shintoism
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explanation: Sun goddess and the most important god in Japanese mythology. Being born from god Izanagi after the death of Izanami, she has 2 brothers: Sea god, Susano with whom she is in a bad relation and Lunar god, Tsukiyomi. One day, she ordered his son, Ninigi to go down from Takamagahara to the earth on Mt Takachiho and to govern it. He became so the ancestor of Japanese imperial family. There are many shrines which adore her but the most important is Ise shrine.

Emperor Jimmu

神武天皇 神武
alternative words: Jimmu Tenno, Jimmu-tenno, Jimmutenno, Emperor Jinmu, Jinmu Tenno, Jinmu-tenno, Jinmu tennou, Jinmu, Jimmu
keywords: emperor , famous person , mythology
related topics: Nihonshoki , Kojiki , Yamato dynasty
explanation: According to old Japanese history books like Kojiki or Nihonshoki, he left the southern Kyushu 2700 years ago to conquer Kinki region to become the first Emperor of Japan. There exists a great controversy on his existence: some negate it, others say he should have existed but the date of the event should be brought around the 3th century A. D. Anyway, this event should tell a migration of some folk from Kyushu to Kinki to make it a political center of Japan.

Empress Jingu

神功皇后 息長足姫命 息長帯比売命
alternative words: Empress Jingukogo, Jingukogo, Jingu-kogo, Jingu kogo, Okinagatarashihime, Okinagatarashi-hime, Princess Okinagatarashi, Jingu
keywords: emperor , famous person , korea , mythology
related topics: Nihonshoki , Himiko , Emperor Ojin , Paekche , Silla , Koguryo
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Wife of the 14th Emperor, Chuai. According Nihonshoki, after the death of her husband, she would have crossed over the sea to conquer 3 Korean Kingdoms, Koguryo, Paekche and Silla while an expected son and the future Emperor, Ojin in her body. After his birth, she would have returned back to Yamato with Ojin to punish those who didn't want them. Nihonshoki also says that Himiko should be another name of Jingu but many historians don't agree with this thesis.


風土記 古風土記
alternative words: Fuudoki, Kofudoki, Ko-fudoki
keywords: book , mythology
related topics: Nihonshoki , Nara period , Izumo dynasty , Urashimataro
explanation: In 713, Empress Genmei ordered the governors of each province (about 60) to submit a report of geography, climate, local customs and products, oral traditions etc. in order to facilitate the tax collection and the compilation of forthcoming Nihonshoki. Though most of these documents dispersed (only Izumo province has fully survived), we can still glimpse at rich local folklore that the central government has rejected such as the tale of "Urashima taro" or legend of "Hagoromo".

Izanagi Izanami

伊邪那岐・伊邪那美 伊邪那岐命 伊邪那美命
alternative words: Izanami Izanagi, Izanagi, Izanami, God Izanagi, Godess Izanami, Izanaki, God Izanaki
keywords: god , mythology
related topics: Amaterasu , Susano , Tsukuyomi , Kojiki , Nihonshoki , Oyashima
explanation: The first concrete deity in Japanese mythology. Initially the Earth's surface had been covered with mud. When god Izanagi put his saber into mud and pull out, the drops coagulated themselves to form Onokoro island. There, Izanagi and his wife Izanami made love and gave birth to the 8 Japanese main islands (Oyashima). Then Izanami gave birth to many Japanese gods. When she gave birth a fire god, she died of the burn and became the guard of the Hell. Then Izanagi created Amaterasu, Susano and Tsukuyomi.

Izumo dynasty

alternative words: Izumo ocho, Izumoocho, Izumo ouchou, Izumo
keywords: family , mythology , state
related topics: Nihonshoki , Yamato dynasty , Susano , Okuninushi
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in Shimane prefecture, Izumo region had been the first political center of Japan, because not only it owned an important iron mine but a maritime current arrives there from the eastern Korean coast. According to Nihonshoki, the dynasty should have been created by Susano and his son in law, Okuninushi no mikoto but later peacefully surrendered to Yamato dynasty. The discovery of a huge number of bronze sabers at Kojin valley in 1984 confirmed the existence of this dynasty.


alternative words: Momo taro, Momotarou, Momo tarou
keywords: korea , mythology , tale
related topics: Nihonshoki , Muromachi period
related web sites: , ,
explanation: According to Nihonshoki, Korean bandits had settled in Okayama prefecture and bothered the inhabitants. Yamato court then sent Prince Kibitsuhiko to punish them. This historical event had been transformed during Muromachi period to the following fairy tale: an old coupled has discovered one day a great peach floating on a river. A boy born from this peach has been sent, accompanied by a monkey, a pheasant and a dog, to beat demons who live in a neighboring island.

Mononobe family

物部氏 物部
alternative words: Mononobe clan, Mononobe shi, Mononobeshi, Mononobe
keywords: family , mythology
related topics: Emperor Jimmu , Soga family , Nihonshoki , Kojiki , Yamato dynasty
related web sites: , ,
explanation: One of the oldest families in Japan because when Jimmu conquered Kinki region, Mononobe had been already there, sharing the power with Nagasunehiko. But Mononobe betrayed him and adhered to Jinmu's troops. Since then, Mononobe kept a strong power in Yamato court as Omuraji (military chief) until the late 6th when a conflict between Mononobe, con and Soga, pro Buddhist broke out: Mononobe no Moria was killed by Soga no Umako in 587 during a fierce battle and Mononobe declined.


大国主命 大物主命 大己貴命
alternative words: Okuninushi no mikoto, Okuninushi no kami, Onamuchi no mikoto, Ookuninushi
keywords: god , mythology
related topics: Shintoism , Susano , Izumo dynasty , Fudoki , Kojiki , 7 fortune gods , Daikoku
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shinto deity of Izumo dynasty and son or son in law of Susano. According to Kojiki, he had been tormented by brothers but finally he got the throne by marrying princess Suseri. He also saved a white rabbit nearly killed by sharks (legend of Inaba no shirousagi). According to Izumo Fudoki, he was not merely a local deity but a creator of the world together with Sukunahikona no mikoto. During the middle ages, Okuninushi was confounded with Daikokuten of 7 fortune gods.

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