Akebono Taro曙太郎 曙alternative words: Akebono, Taro Akebono, Chad George Rowan keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo , Yokozuna related web sites: http://cen4.ec.hokudai.ac.jp/~s960084/report/yokoduna/y64.html , http://www.wnn.or.jp/wnn-t/database/rikishidata/akebono.html , http://www.educ.cc.keio.ac.jp/~i05259/sumo/yokoduna/64.html explanation: Born on May 8, 1969 in Hawaii, he is the first foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of a great champion, Yokozuna. He won 11 times championship in the national tournaments and belongs to the stable of Azumazeki alias Takamiyama, another Hawaii born sumo wrestler. Chad George Rowan is his American name. He retired in January 2001. Commodore Perryペリー提督alternative words: Matthew Calbraith Perry, Perry, Matthew Perry keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man related topics: Edo shogunate , Kanagawa treaty , Sakoku , Black ship related web sites: http://www.lint.ne.jp/~meirokun/perry.htm , http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~iwat/zenshi-2/zenshi-2.html explanation: American marine officer, born in 1794. With the mission to establish a diplomatic relationship with Japan, he arrived on July 8, 1853 at Uraga near Tokyo with 4 battle ships. He asked Edo shogunate to open harbors by giving a credential letter of the American president. He promised to return back next year to get the official answer. So he came back in February 1854. Before his coercive attitude, Japan had to sign Kanakawa treaty by breaking 2 century old seclusion policy. He died in 1858. Francisco de Xavierフランシスコ・ザビエル ザビエルalternative words: Saint Francisco de Xavier, Francisco Xavier, Francis Xavier, Xavier keywords: famous person , foreigner , religion related topics: Sengoku period , Satsuma domain related web sites: http://www.mg21.co.jp/xavier450/ , http://www.minc.ne.jp/hiwakisho/xavier/ explanation: Born in 1506 in a family of Spanish nobility. After studied at Paris university and founded Jesuits, he left Europe for missionary works in Asia: first south India then Malacca. There he met a Japanese, Anjiro and decided to go to Japan. In 1549, he reached Satsuma domain in south Kyushu and became the first Christian missionary. After having christianized the northern Kyushu with an aid of seignior Otomo Sorin, he left Japan for China and died there due to a fever in 1552. Golovninゴローニン ゴロブニンalternative words: Vasilij Mikhajlovich Golovnin keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia related topics: Takadaya Kahee , Ezochi , Rezanov related web sites: http://www.kufs.ac.jp/toshokan/50/goro.htm explanation: Russian naval officer, born in 1776 in a noble family. As a retaliation against Rezanov's attacks on Japanese trading posts in Kuril and Sakhalin islands, he was captured during a survey work around Kunashir island in Kuril in 1811. In turn, Russians captured a Japanese merchant, Takadaya Kahee who was trading around Kuril islands. Finally both men were liberated in exchange. The book that Golovnin had written on his 3 year captivity in Japan became a best seller. Konishiki Yasokichi小錦八十吉alternative words: Konishiki, Yasokichi Konishiki keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo related web sites: http://www.infocr.co.jp/koni/ explanation: Born on December 31, 1963 in Hawaii, he is the first foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of ozeki. Though, he won 3 times championships in the national tournaments, because of repeated wounds, he has near missed the title of a great sumo champion, i.e. yokozuna. Having belonged to the stable of Azumazeki alias Takamiyama, another Hawaii born sumo wrestler, he has retired from sumo wrestler in November 1997 and become an actor. Laxmanラックスマン ラクスマンalternative words: Adam Erikovich Laxman, Laksman keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia related topics: Daikokuya Kodayu , Ezochi , Sakoku , Matsumae domain , Edo shogunate explanation: Russian army lieutenant, born in 1766. He was dispatched by Empress Catherine II to establish a diplomatic relation and to return back a Japanese seaman, Daikokuya Kodayu. They arrived in 1792 at Nemuro and passed a winter. Next year, they sailed to Matsumae and met Bugyo Ishikawa Shogen and Murakami Daigaku from Edo shogunate. Due to the national seclusion policy, his mission failed but they gave him a credence letter for a further discussion in Nagasaki. Musashimaru Koyo武蔵丸光洋 武蔵丸alternative words: Musashimaru keywords: famous person , foreigner , sumo related topics: Sumo , Yokozuna related web sites: http://www03.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/rd5/musasi/ , http://cen4.ec.hokudai.ac.jp/~s960084/report/yokoduna/y67.html explanation: Born on May 2, 1971 in Samoa island and educated in Hawaii, he is the second foreign born sumo wrestler who has reached the rank of a great champion, Yokozuna. He won 7 times championship in the national tournaments and belongs to the stable of Musashigawa, contrary to other Hawaii born sumo wrestlers. Nanban南蛮alternative words: South barbarian, Southern barbarian keywords: art , foreigner related topics: Sengoku period explanation: Literally "southern barbarian", this term was used first by Chinese to designate the people living in south China such as Vietnamese. Japanese took this term to designated Portuguese and Spanish during Sengoku period because, arriving always from south-east Asia, they sought to live there. In a broader sense, it designated also everything related to Europe or influenced by Europe, such as Nanban art, Nanban literature (Nanban bungaku), Nanban screen (Nanban byobu), etc. Putiatinプチャーチンalternative words: Evfimii Putiatin, Evfimi Vasilievich Putiatin, Putyatin, Eufimij Putyatin keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia related topics: Edo shogunate , Commodore Perry , Sakoku , Shimoda treaty related web sites: http://www.namahage.ne.jp/ebina/heda.htm , http://www.wbs.ne.jp/cmt/kankou/themapark/hakubutu/zusyu/zusyu.htm , http://www.izu.co.jp/~p-boo/russia.html explanation: Russian admiral, born in 1803. After Americans had sent Perry to Japan to get access harbors, Putiatin arrived in Nagasaki in August 1853, accompanied by a writer, Goncharov. After a refusal of Edo shogunate to open harbors, he left Japan, then returned back in 1854 to Shimoda where Americans settled the first consulate. After a difficult negotiation with Kawaji Toshiakira, because his ship was wrecked by an earthquake, Shimoda treaty was concluded in February 1855. He died in 1883. Rezanovレザノフalternative words: Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory related topics: Ezochi , Laxman , Sakoku related web sites: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~iso-be/sub1.htm , http://www.hi.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tosho/rez.html explanation: Russian nobility and a director of Russian American company, born in 1764. As special envoy of Tsar Alexander I, he came to Japan to settle a trading relationship in 1804. After several months of waiting and negotiation in Nagasaki, Japanese refused finally to grant a trading relationship. Frustrated, he ordered secretly his retainer, Chvostoff to attack Japanese trading posts on Etorofu and Sakhalin islands in 1806. He died in Siberia during a return trip to St Petersburg due to a fever in 1807. 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