Hokkaido Prefecture
alternative words: Hokkaido, Hokkai do, Hokkaidou keywords: hokkaido , island , prefecture , region , tourist resort related topics: Sapporo city , Hakodate city , Mt. Daisetsu , Lake Mashu , Rishiri island , Mt. Usu , Lake Toya , Shiretoko peninsula , Kuril island related web sites: http://www.pref.hokkaido.jp , http://dtravel.inetg.com/hokkaido/hokkaido.html , http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp explanation: Hokkaido is a prefecture, a region and an island at the same time. Its surface is 83,519 km2 and the population 5.6 millions. The prefectural office is at Sapporo City. There were few Japanese until the end of 19th century because of a chilly climate. Its main industry is: fishing, coal mining and western style agriculture, thanks to its large surface , like dairy farming and soybean culture. The tourism is also popular because of a beautiful landscape created by many active volcanoes. Kansai region
alternative words: Kansai area, Kansai, Kinki region, Kinki area, Kinki keywords: kyoto , nara , osaka , region related topics: Kyoto prefecture , Osaka prefecture , Hyogo prefecture , Hakone , Kanto region related web sites: http://www.senri-i.or.jp/kansai/ explanation: Kansai region is the old political center of Japan. It includes actual Hyogo, Kyoto, Shiga, Osaka, Nara, Mie and Wakayama prefectures. Though the political center of Japan has moved to Tokyo, it still owns 3 cities of more than 1 million inhabitants (Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto) and remains the second Japanese economic and industrial area. Kansai means " west of customs barrier" which was at Mt Hakone, while Kinki means "near the capital" which was Kyoto. Kanto region
alternative words: Kantou region, Kanto area, Kanto, Kantou keywords: kanagawa , region , tokyo related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Hakone , Honshu island , Kansai region explanation: Located in the center of Honshu and facing Pacific ocean, Kanto region is the most populated area in Japan with 40 million inhabitants. It is formed by Kanto plain in the center and surrounded by mountains of about 2000m high. It includes Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures. Since Tokugawa family was moved to Tokyo in the last 16 century, it has developed as the political center of Japan. Kanto means "east of customs barrier", referring to that of Mt Hakone. Kyushu island
alternative words: Kyushu, Kyushu-to, Kyushu to, island of Kyushu keywords: island , kyushu , okinawa , region related topics: Okinawa prefecture , Inland sea , Oosumi strait related web sites: http://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/travel/ , http://www.hikyaku.com/summit/summitg.html explanation: The 3th largest island of Japan. Facing to the north, Korean peninsula and to the west, Chinese continent, it has been always an entry point of Asian civilization to Japan. The northern part is formed essentially by plans and low hills while the central and southern parts are formed by high mountains and volcanoes. The western cost draws very complex lines and contains many peninsulas and small islands. The climate is temperate in the north and mild in the south. The surface is about 36,000 km2. Shikoku island
alternative words: Shikoku, Shikoku-to, Shikoku to, Island of Shikoku keywords: island , region , shikoku related topics: Naruto Bridge , Setoohashi Bridge , Inland sea , Kyushu island , Honshu island related web sites: http://www.yonden.co.jp/sikoku/sle/sle06/sle06.htm explanation: The 4th biggest island of Japan. It is surrounded in the north and east by Honshu, the west by Kyushu and facing Pacific ocean in the south. The island is mountainous and the culminating point is 1982m of Mt Ishizuchi. The climate is mild. Now, Shikoku being attached to Honshu island via 3 series of long bridges, the fast industry development should be expected. The surface of Shikoku is about 18,000 km2. Page number: 1 5 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |