Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: general

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Hot spring

alternative words: Spa, Onsen
keywords: accommodation , general
related topics: Japanese inn
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Situated in a volcanic zone, Japan owns many hot springs and Japanese go there not only to heal an illness but for leisure. There exist tow kinds of Onsen: those which are reserved for customers of an inn or hotel and public ones.

Japanese inn

alternative words: Ryokan
keywords: accommodation , general
related topics: Hot spring , Youth hostel , Minshuku
related web sites: ,
explanation: In Japanese Inn, each room is partitioned by sliding doors as in traditional Japanese houses and covered by "tatami". In the evening, after dinner, a maid comes to lay down "futon" and you sleep there. There are no chairs but in the room but only a low table.

Youth hostel

alternative words: Youth hostels, Japanese youth hostel, Youth hostel in Japan
keywords: accommodation , general
related topics: Japanese inn
related web sites: ,
explanation: Starting to operate in 1951, Japan owns now about 400 youth hostels scattered on the whole archipelagos, from Rebun island in the northern Hokkaido near Sakhalin to Iriomote island in the southern Okinawa near Taiwan.

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