Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: town

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French words: Metz
keywords: tourist resort , town
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explanation: Founded by a Celtic tribe, Metz was one of the main towns of the Roman empire in Gallia province. In 834, Metz became the capital of Lotharingia kingdom after a division of Frankish kingdom. During the middle ages, Metz was a nearly independent bishopric town inside Holy Roman empire. Though French king Henri II conquered Metz in 1552, it had been annexed by Germany between 1871 and 1918. Metz is the capital of Lorraine region and its population 117000. Saint Etienne cathedral is the main tourist spot.


French words: Monaco , Principauté de Monaco
alternative words: Principality of Monaco
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Italian border, Monaco is the second smallest country in the world. It was founded in 1215 as a Genoa's colony and Grimaldi house has controlled Monaco since 1297. Rainier III married a Hollywood star Grace Kelly in 1956. Having no income tax, Monaco organizes many activities to attract tourists such as, Grand Prix de Monaco, Rally Monte Carlo, Football (As Monaco), Casino, Opera etc. The current sovereign is Albert II and the population 32500.


French words: Montpellier
keywords: southern france , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Located in southern France near the Mediterranean cost, Montpellier is a rare French southern town which should have no Roman background. It was founded in 10th century by a local warlord but quickly developed thanks to trades with Mediterranean regions. In 1180, the first medical school in France opened. In 1349, Montpellier passed from Aragon kingdom to France. Owning many chemical and food industries such as winery, Montpellier is the capital of Languedoc-Roussillon region and the population 236000.


French words: Nancy
keywords: human heritage , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Located in north-east of France, Nancy was founded in 11th century by Lorraine Duke, Gerard 1st, then it became the capital of Lorraine in 16th century. Former King of Poland and Duke of Lorraine, Stanislas made many beautiful places, which now belong to Unesco human heritage. Nancy has passed to France after his death in 1766. When Germany annexed Northern Lorraine in 1871, many people migrated there so the industry developed. Nancy is the capital of Meurthe-et-Moselle prefecture and the population 99000.


French words: Nantes
keywords: loire region , tourist resort , town
related topics: Rennes
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explanation: Located in south of Brittany at estuary of Loire river, Nantes was conquered by Julius Cesar in 56 B.C. During the middle ages, Nantes disputed with Rennes the first place of Brittany. In 1598, Edit of Nantes was signed by Henri IV, allowing a religious freedom to protestants. During 18th century, Nantes had grown rich thanks to trades with new world, especially the slavery. Jules Verne was born there in 1828. Owning an university, Nantes is the capital of Pays-de-la-Loire region and the population 267,000.


French words: Nice
alternative words: Nizza
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Marseille
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explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Italian border, Nice was founded by Greeks from Marseille in 5th BC. During the medieval period, Nice had been a part of Holy Roman Empire. Nice was ceded to France from Sardinia kingdom by the unification process of Italy in 1860. Now, Nice is a well known international resort town for its carnival, casinos and beautiful beach, "Promenade des Anglais". Nice is also the capital of Alpes-Maritimes prefecture and the population is 330500.


French words: Nîmes
keywords: roman remains , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Gard bridge , Nimes amphitheater , Maison Carree , TGV
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explanation: Nimes had been an important Roman city in southern France on the route linking Italy and Spain, as many vestiges witness it, such as amphitheater and Gard bridge. It was called 'Colonia Nemausus' (Colony from the Nile) because Roman legionary veterans from Egypt settled there. For a short time, Nimes had been occupied by Saracens but liberated by Pippin III in 754. Being a center of wine production, Nimes is the capital of Gard prefecture and the population 133000. Nimes is now from Paris in 3 hours by TGV.


French words: Orléans
keywords: human heritage , loire region , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Conquered by Julius Cesar in 52 BC, Orleans was rebuilt in 3th century by Roman Emperor, Aurelian from which derives the city name. During the middle ages, Orleans had been the capital of Merovingian dynasty then a dukedom in Capetian dynasty which came to succeed the latter as Valois-Orleans dynasty. During 100 years war, Orleans was saved by Jeanne d'Arc from a siege in 1428. Located 110km south of Paris on Loire bank, Orleans is the capital of Centre region and owns an university. The population 113,000.


French words: Paris
keywords: human heritage , paris , tourist resort , town
related topics: Paris subway , Paris tramway , Parisian bus , RATP
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explanation: Celtic tribe called Parisii settled on an islet of the Seine in 3e BC, from which the name of Paris is derived. After being conquered by Romans in 52 BC, the city called Lutetia developed on the left bank, but it was abandoned with the fall of Roman Empire. In 987, Hugues Capet was elected French king with Paris the capital. It declined again during one century war against England in 14th and 15th centuries and regained slowly its status of capital in 16th century. Its population is now about 2 millions.


French words: Provins , Ville de Provins
alternative words: Provins City
keywords: castle , human heritage , paris suburb , tourist resort , town
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explanation: Having belonged to the powerful Counts of Champagne, Provins has well preserved the aspect of a medieval city (12th-13th centuries) until today and for that reason, it was chosen as a human heritage of UNESCO in 2001. As remarkable architecture, we can quote city's rampart, Cesar tower and St Quiriace church. Each Sunday of summer, the show on a duel of chevalier is organized. Located 100 km east of Paris, you cannot enter Provins with a private car during the high season.

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