
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: food

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豚カツ トンカツ
alternative words: Pork cutlet
keywords: food
related topics: Meiji period
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explanation: One of Japanese dishes appeared during Meiji period by imitating western dishes (Yoshoku) and adapting to Japanese taste. It is prepared by dredging a slice of pork loin or tenderloin lightly in flour, dipping it in beaten egg, breading, and deep-frying. It is customarily served with shredded cabbage and dressed with a Japanese version of Worcestershire sauce.


饂飩 うどん
alternative words: Udon noodles
keywords: food
related topics: Soy sauce , Tempura , Kamaboko , Muromachi period , Edo period
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explanation: Introduced from China in 8th century, udon had been first consumed only by the nobility before spreading among the population in Muromachi period. Its popularity surpassed that of soba during Edo period, thanks to a progress of shoyu production. Udon is composed of flour noodles, dipped into a bowl of shoyu based soup, and consumed with other Japanese ingredients such as tempura, kamaboko (paste of fish flesh), or aburaage (fried tofu), seasoned with red peppers. Today, it is also consumed with curry soup.


alternative words: Kabayaki, Japanese eel, Eel
keywords: food
related topics: Nara period , Edo period , Soy sauce
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explanation: Japanese have eaten eels since Nara period for its medicinal effect but the actual cooking method has been generalized since Edo period. It consists to broil opened and boned unagi's body on charcoal (in Kanto region, it is lightly steamed beforehand) and seasoned with teriyaki sauce (sauce made by boiling together soy sauce, mirin and sugar). Now unagi is consumed in any season but it is mostly appreciated at the high summer season (Doyo no hi) because of its tonic effect.


和菓子 日本菓子
alternative words: Japanese confection, Japanese cookie, Japanese cake, Japanese sweet
keywords: food
related topics: Senbei , Mochi
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Confections proper to Japan but they have been frequently influenced by Chinese (Tougashi) and western (Nanban gashi) techniques. Their ingredients are mostly based on rice and bean jam paste and many express seasonal tastes. There exist 2 categories of Wagashi: Nama gashi (row confections) which should be consumed in the same day and Hoshi gashi (dry confections) but thanks to a development of the packaging technique and refrigerators, the distinction is becoming less important.

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