
Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: island

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Nakanoshima island

alternative words: Nakanoshima, Nakano shima, Naka no shima
keywords: district , island , osaka
related topics: Osaka city
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explanation: A tiny island located inside Yodo river in Osaka city and near Osaka castle. Town hall, Osaka university, Bank of Japan and park of Nakanoshima being there, it forms the political and economic center of Osaka. Nakanoshima means "middle island".

Niijima island

alternative words: Nii island, Nii jima island, Niijima, Nii jima
keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Izu islands
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explanation: One of Izu islands located on the south of Tokyo. Niijima is a volcanic island of stretched form. Though there is a historic record of exposition, the volcano is actually inactive. Due to its white sand beach, Niijima has become recently a popular beach for surfers. Besides tourism, the main industry is pig raising and "kusaya" (dried saurel). Shikinejima island located on the west was separated from Niijima after the great earthquake of 1703. The surface is 24km and the population 2700.

Ogasawara Islands

小笠原諸島 小笠原列島
alternative words: Bonin Island, Ogasawara Island, Bonin Islands, Ogasawarashoto, Ogasawara shoto, Ogasawararetto, Ogasawara retto
keywords: island , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Iwo Island
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explanation: A group of tiny islands located 1200 km south from Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean. According to a legend, Ogasawara Sadayori should have discovered in 1593 this island. From the 19th century, Americans, seeking whales in the Pacific, began to settle there. After dealings between Japan, USA and Great Britain on the control of the island, it was Japan who took its control. After WWII, it had been occupied by Americans but returned back to Japan in 1968 with Iwo island.

Oki island

alternative words: Okinoshima island, Oki islands, Okinoshima islands, Okinoshima, Oki no shima
keywords: island , tourist resort
related topics: Shimane Prefecture , Takeshima Island , Mt. Daisen
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explanation: Group of islands located in Japan sea off Shimana prefecture. It is composed of 2 part: Dogo which is the biggest and farthest island (243 km2) and Dozen made by 3 less important islands. Isolated but situated near ancient capital, Kyoto, it was a preferred place to send political prisoners. Emperor Godaigo who overthrew Kamakura shogunat is the most famous person, sent there. Because of Tsushima current, the climate is mild. With Mt. Daisen, it belongs to Oki Daisen national park.

Rebun Island

alternative words: Rebunto Island, Rebunto, Rebun-to
keywords: hokkaido , island
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Rishiri island , Wakkanai city
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explanation: Rebun island, located on the sea of Japan, is the most northern island of our country. The name comes from the Ainu language 'Rebun-shiri', that is 'Island of offing'. Being a plateau form island with Mt. Rebun of 490m high as the culminating point, everybody can easily admire, from near the coast, Alpine flowers which flourish in a harsh climatic condition. Its surface is about 82 km2.

Rishiri Island

alternative words: Rishirito island, Rishirito, Rishiri-to, Rishiri to, Rishiri
keywords: hokkaido , island
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Rebun island , Wakkanai city
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: The circular island located in the southwest of Wakkanai city, which owns cap Soya, the most northern part of Hokkaido, is called Rishiri island. About 63km round, Mt Rishiri of 1721m high, also called Rishiri-fuji, spreads its skirt from the center of the island to the beach. The name of the island comes from the Ainu language "Ri-shiri", that is "High island". Its surface is 182 km2.

Sado Island

佐渡島 佐渡
alternative words: Sadogashima Island, Sadogashima, Sado-ga-shima, Sado ga shima, Sado, Sado shima
keywords: island
related topics: Niigata prefecture , Niigata city
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explanation: After 4 major islands, it is the biggest one (857 km2) among those located near Honshu. The island is formed by 2 mountain chains and between them it has a plain, "Kuninaka Heya". During Edo period, the biggest gold mine in Japan had been exploited but now exhausted. Washed by Tsushima current, the climate is mild even in the winter. There exists a ferry liaison from Niigata city to the island's capital, Ryotsu city.


alternative words: Sakura jima, Mt Sakurajima, Sakurajima volcano, Sakurajima island
keywords: island , kyushu , mountain , volcano
related topics: Kagoshima prefecture , Mt. Kirishima , Yaku island , Kagoshima city , Kagoshima bay
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explanation: Volcanic island located at the center of Kagoshima bay in south Kyushu. The explosion of 1914 has attached Sakurajima to Kyushu island by pouring eastward a great quantity of lava. The summit is split to 3 peaks: Ontake (northern peak, 1117m), Nakadake (middle peak, 1060m) et Minamidake (southern peak, 1040m) which is now active. With Mt Kirishima and Yaku island, it belongs to Kirishima Yaku national park. There exists a ferry service from Kagoshima city.

Senkaku Islands

尖閣列島 尖閣諸島 魚釣島
alternative words: Senkaku Island, Senkakuretto, Senkaku-retto, Senkaku Retto, Tiaoyutai, Tiaoyutai Island, Tiaoyutai Islands
keywords: island , okinawa , territorial dispute
related topics: Okinawa Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: A group of tiny islands on the north of Ishigaki island in East Chinese Sea. It has become the subject of a bitter political dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan because of a possible petroleum and natural gas reservoir around islands. It is under de facto Japanese control but no body is living there. Its total surface is 6.3 km2.

Shikoku island

alternative words: Shikoku, Shikoku-to, Shikoku to, Island of Shikoku
keywords: island , region , shikoku
related topics: Naruto Bridge , Setoohashi Bridge , Inland sea , Kyushu island , Honshu island
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explanation: The 4th biggest island of Japan. It is surrounded in the north and east by Honshu, the west by Kyushu and facing Pacific ocean in the south. The island is mountainous and the culminating point is 1982m of Mt Ishizuchi. The climate is mild. Now, Shikoku being attached to Honshu island via 3 series of long bridges, the fast industry development should be expected. The surface of Shikoku is about 18,000 km2.

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