Jinshin war壬申の乱alternative words: Jinshin disturbance, Jinshin no ran, Jinshinno ran keywords: event , war related topics: Asuka period , Emperor Tenchi , Emperor Tenmu related web sites: http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/gutoku2/jinsinnnoran.html explanation: The biggest civil war of Asuka period. Understood that Emperor Tenchi wished to give the throne to his son prince Otomo, the brother of Tenchi, prince Oama, hid in Yoshino mountains, excusing that he wishes to master Taoism. After the death of Tenchi, Oama fled to the eastern Japan to gather his partisans then attacked the army of Otomo. After fierce battles which lasted 1 month, Oama eliminated Otomo and became the 40th emperor (Emperor Tenmu), while Otomo committed suicide. Kamikaze神風alternative words: Kami kaze, Kamikadze, Kami kadze, Kamukaze, Kamu kaze, Divine wind, Kamikaze wind keywords: event , war , weapon , world war 2 related topics: Kamakura period , Invasion of Mongols , Amaterasu , Waka , Kaiten related web sites: http://www.geocities.jp/kamikazes_site/ , http://ww8.tiki.ne.jp/~hidekun/7.htm , http://www.tokkotai.or.jp explanation: Literally "divine wind", this word has been used in different contexts. Its first meaning is "makura kotoba" (debuting word in Waka poem) for Ise province which owns the main shrine of "Goddess Amaterasu". The second meaning is the gale which sank Mongol's ships during the invasion of 1274 and 1281. The third meaning is "special suicidal fighter pilots" used at the last phase of WWII. Finally you can use this word in any context, when you are saved from a hopeless situation. Kodama Gentaro児玉源太郎alternative words: Kodama Gentarou, Gentaro Kodama, Gentarou Kodama keywords: military man , russia , war related topics: Choshu domain , Boshin war , Seinan war , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Oyama Iwao related web sites: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~s.w.gen/genntarou.html , http://www.ag.wakwak.com/~azuma/nichiro/gen.html explanation: Born in 1852 in a samurai family of Choshu domain. He first participated in Boshin war of 1868 then in Seinan war of 1877 to get a good reputation. Appointed as director of Japanese military academy in 1887, he was eager for introducing German army tactics. He participated in Sino-Japanese war of 1895 as stuff officer, then became Army minister in 1900. During Russo-Japanese war of 1905, as chief of stuff of Manchurian army led by Oyama Iwao, he brought a victory to Japan. He died in 1906. Manchurian incident満州事変alternative words: Manshu incident, Manshujihen, Manshu jihen keywords: china , colony , event , war related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army related web sites: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~aal99510/M_jihen_nenpyo.htm , http://www.jda.go.jp/j/library/senshi/00-06.htm , http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~hamachu/manchu_001.htm explanation: In order to recover Japan from a severe economic crisis, the general stuff of Japanese Guandong army, Ishiwara Kanji and Itagaki Seishiro had planed to make Manchuria as Japanese colony. First, they blew up Manchurian railroad on 18 September, 1931 (Ryujoko incident) without authorization of the central government, then they conquered the whole Manchuria in 3 months by pretending to protect Japanese interests against China. Then, Manshukoku was created with Puyi as emperor. Niko incident尼港事件alternative words: Nikou incident, Nikolayevsk incident, Nikolaevsk incident keywords: event , northern territory , war related topics: Siberian intervention related web sites: http://ww1.m78.com/sib/nikolayevsk%20misery.html , http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~aal99510/nikoujiken.htm explanation: In January 1920, Bolsheviks encircled Nikolaevsk near Sakhalin, where White Russians and hundreds of Japanese civilians protected by soldiers were living. Japanese let enter Bolsheviks but breaking the truce, they began to execute white Russians and also captured Japanese who protested it. Learning the arrival of Japanese rescue, they executed Japanese prisoners, too. Furious, Japan occupied North Sakhalin and asked the reparation. Russia executed the responsible and Japan left in 1925. Nomonhan incidentノモンハン事件 ノモンハンalternative words: Nomonhan jiken, Halha incident, Nomonhan war, Nomonhan, Khalkhin Gol, Khalkin Ghol, Halkin Gol keywords: china , event , russia , war , world war 2 related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army related web sites: http://www.geocities.co.jp/WallStreet/7009/mg0104-2.htm , http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~house/nenpyo/taiheiyo/jikoh/nom.htm , http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~aal99510/index.html8.htm , http://www.orbit6.com/crisf/text/halh_gol.htm explanation: After a secret agreement, Russia created Mongolian people's republic and Japan, Manchukuo but the frontier had not been clearly defined and a border crash took place in summer 1939. First Japanese Guandong army beat the small Mongolian army but Russia sent the best mechanized divisions and beat severely ill equipped Japanese. Moreover Germany and Russia concluded no aggression pact in August, the idea to consider Russia as a potential enemy retreated and Anglo-Saxon replaced it. Onin war応仁の乱alternative words: Onin rebellion, Onin no ran, Ouinin war, Ounin no ran keywords: war related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Sengoku period , Ashikaga Yoshimasa related web sites: http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/gutoku2/ouninnoran.html , http://www.hht.ac.jp/dept/iproot/967/html/967-002e.htm , http://www.lint.ne.jp/~meirokun/ouninG.htm explanation: Civil war in Muromachi period between 1467 and 1477. Initially provoked by a succession problem of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa, it became a war between 2 great samurai clans, Ouchi and Hosokawa. The consequence of this trouble is: in the center, Kyoto being totally devastated, Muromachi shogunate had lost political powers, while in the provinces, new samurai families anchored to the lands had emerged. But soon they began to fight mutually too and this led to a new war period, Sengokujidai. Rebellion of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu藤原広嗣の乱alternative words: Revolt of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu, Fujiwara no Hirotsugu no ran keywords: war related topics: Nara period , Fujiwara family , Dazaifu , Emperor Shomu related web sites: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~sg2h-ymst/hirotugu.html explanation: The biggest revolt of Nara period, provoked in 740 by Fujiwara no Hirotsugu, the head of Shikike, a sub branch of Fujiwara family. Unhappy with the degradation of his post from the governor of Yamato province near capital to the vice governor of Dazaifu (Shoni), he revolted by gathering troops of 10,000 men in Kyushu region, while Yamato court sent 17,000 men directed by Ono no Azumahito. Hirotsugu was defeated due to many defections. He was captured while trying to flee to Korea and executed. Russo-Japanese war日露戦争alternative words: Russo Japanese war, Russia Japan war, Nichiro senso, Nichirosenso, Nichiro sensou, Nichirosensou, Nichiro war keywords: russia , war related topics: Meiji period , Admiral Togo , Battle of Tsushima , General Nogi , Portsmouth treaty , Yamagata Aritomo , Oyama Iwao , Kodama Gentaro related web sites: http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/publictn/46/soku/soku.html , http://www.dokidoki.ne.jp/home1/cyberfair/cf99_file/dogo_russians_war_j.htm , http://www.russojapan.com , http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~s.w.gen/37bunsyo.html explanation: War between Russia and Japan provoked by a dispute on Korea and Manchuria interests. It began in February 1904 by a Japanese surprise attack on Port Arthur. Though numerically superior, before highly motivated Japanese troops, Russia lost Port Arthur in January 1905 and the naval battle of Tsushima in May 1905. The war ended by the signature in September 1905 of Portsmouth treaty: Russia returned back south Sakhalin and ceded south Manchuria interests to Japan. Seinan war西南戦争alternative words: Seinan rebellion, Satsuma rebellion, Seinansenso, Seinan senso keywords: korea , war related topics: Saigo Takamori , Okubo Toshimichi , Meiji period , Satsuma domain related web sites: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~aaa57280/Seinansenso/Seinansenso1.htm , http://www.kumanichi.co.jp/seinan/seinan.html explanation: The reform of Meiji government which had suppressed the samurai privilege provoked many protests. In order to canalize their frustration, Saigo Takamori proposed to colonize Korea but his idea being rejected, he returned back to his home of Kagoshima. When the central government decided to transfer the powder factory, it provoked a large rebellion in 1877 led by Takamori. It conquered a half of Kyushu but 6 month later, defeated by the central government, Takamori killed himself. 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