Oyama Iwao大山巌alternative words: Ooyama Iwao, Iwao Oyama, Iwao Ooyama, Marshal Oyama keywords: military man , russia related topics: Seinan war , Satsuma domain , Choshu domain , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Kodama Gentaro , Genro related web sites: http://shop.waowao.com/photo/kajiya_main.asp explanation: Born in 1842 in a samurai family of Satsuma domain. In 1868, he participated to Boshin war as chief of cannoneers. After Seinan war, he shared the power inside Japanese army with Yamagata Aritomo of Choshu domain and became the first army minister in 1885. During Sino Japanese war of 1895, he commanded the 2d army to occupy Liaodong Peninsula. During Russo Japanese war of 1905, he won the Battle of Mukden as the supreme commander of Japanese Manchurian army. He died in 1916. Putiatinプチャーチンalternative words: Evfimii Putiatin, Evfimi Vasilievich Putiatin, Putyatin, Eufimij Putyatin keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia related topics: Edo shogunate , Commodore Perry , Sakoku , Shimoda treaty related web sites: http://www.namahage.ne.jp/ebina/heda.htm , http://www.wbs.ne.jp/cmt/kankou/themapark/hakubutu/zusyu/zusyu.htm , http://www.izu.co.jp/~p-boo/russia.html explanation: Russian admiral, born in 1803. After Americans had sent Perry to Japan to get access harbors, Putiatin arrived in Nagasaki in August 1853, accompanied by a writer, Goncharov. After a refusal of Edo shogunate to open harbors, he left Japan, then returned back in 1854 to Shimoda where Americans settled the first consulate. After a difficult negotiation with Kawaji Toshiakira, because his ship was wrecked by an earthquake, Shimoda treaty was concluded in February 1855. He died in 1883. Rezanovレザノフalternative words: Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory related topics: Ezochi , Laxman , Sakoku related web sites: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~iso-be/sub1.htm , http://www.hi.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tosho/rez.html explanation: Russian nobility and a director of Russian American company, born in 1764. As special envoy of Tsar Alexander I, he came to Japan to settle a trading relationship in 1804. After several months of waiting and negotiation in Nagasaki, Japanese refused finally to grant a trading relationship. Frustrated, he ordered secretly his retainer, Chvostoff to attack Japanese trading posts on Etorofu and Sakhalin islands in 1806. He died in Siberia during a return trip to St Petersburg due to a fever in 1807. Saigo Takamori西郷隆盛alternative words: Takamori Saigo, Saigou Takamori, Takamori Saigou keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman related topics: Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Katsu Kaishu , Okubo Toshimichi , Seinan war related web sites: http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/ytsubu/ , http://reimeikan.pref.kagoshima.jp explanation: One of the leaders of Meiji Revolution. Born in a modest family of samurai in 1827 at Kagoshima. Recognized by seignior Shimazu Nariakira, he got a post of responsibility. After the death of Nariakira, he committed a suicide but miraculously survived. Nevertheless he was sentenced to a banishment because of his pro western opinion. Later he greatly contributed to the fall of Edo shogunate in 1868. In 1877, he organized a samurai's revolt in Kyushu but killed himself after the defeat. Yamagata Aritomo山形有朋alternative words: Aritomo Yamagata keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Genro related web sites: http://www.chinzanso.com/index2.html , http://www.mediawars.ne.jp/~tanimura/a_map/kyoto/sakyo/nanzenzi/murinan.html explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Choshu. After having studied from Yoshida Shoin, he organized Kiheitai to control Choshu domain then to repel the 2e attack of Edo shogunate. After Meiji restoration in 1868, he was sent to Europe to study the military institution. After a death or fall of great contributors of Meiji revolution, he shared the power with Ito Hirobumi and led the wars against China in 1895 and Russia in 1905. He always hated political parties. He died in 1922. Yamamoto Isoroku山本五十六 山本元帥 山本提督alternative words: Isoroku Yamamoto, Admiral Yamamoto, Yamamoto keywords: famous person , military man , world war 2 related topics: Russo-Japanese war , Mikasa , Karo related web sites: http://www.propel.ne.jp/~rance/document_room/rance/rekishi/gunji/yamamoto.htm , http://www.iscb.net/mikio/199911/1118.htm , http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~sws6225/isosan.html explanation: Born in 1884 at Nagaoka as son of a Confucianist, Takano Sadakichi and adopted later by ex Karo, Yamamoto Tatewaki. Graduated at Naval University, he lost 2 fingers by an explosion on board of Mikasa during Russo Japanese war. After having studied at Harvard university in 1919-1920, he led a newly created air naval division. In 1939, he became the chief commander of combined fleet and elaborated an attack on Pearl harbor. He died in 1943, during an inspection flight on Solomon Archipelagos. Page number: 1 2 16 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |