Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: law

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国替 国替え 転封 移封
alternative words: Change of territory, Change of fief, Change of feud, Tenpu, Tempu, Ifu, Tenpuu, Tempuu, Ifuu
keywords: law
related topics: Azuchi Momoyama period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Battle of Sekigahara , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Kuni
explanation: It consists to change fief of a seignior. Initially a simple action to recompense his vassal by a suzerain giving a bigger fief, it became an effective political tool of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during Azuchi Momoyama period: Kunigae is not interesting if your increase is less than 100% because you lose your power base by giving up castles and other infrastructures. Kunigae reached its climax after a victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in Battle of Sekigahara and nearly all the fiefs were reshuffled.

Meiji constitution

明治憲法 大日本帝国憲法
alternative words: Constitution of Meiji, Japanese imperial constitution, Meiji kenpo, Constitution of the Empire of Japan
keywords: law
related topics: Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi
related web sites: ,
explanation: After Meiji revolution, Japan strove to westernize their institution, so Ito Hiromumi and others drafted a constitution following Prussian model. It was promulgated in February 1889 and took effect in November 1890. Though it guaranteed a separation of 3 powers (government, legislation and justice), due to an extra power confined to the Emperor through Sumitsuin (privy council) and army, the government remained unstable. It ended in 1947 with the application of a new constitution.

Ritsuryo system

alternative words: Ritsuryo regime, Ritsuryosei, Ritsuryo sei, Ritsuryousei, Ritsuryou sei, Ritsuryo, Ritsu ryo
keywords: law
related topics: Taika reform , Emperor Tenchi , Nara period , Heian period , Shoen , Kuni , Kokushi
related web sites: ,
explanation: Centralized political system appeared in Japan between 7th to 10th century on the model of Chinese Sui and Tang dynasties. Initiated by Taika reform of Emperor Tenchi in 645, it reached the apex during Nara period. It consists of a vigorous control of the population and tax collection through a huge number of bureaucrats, ledgers and written laws. Incompatible with Japanese mentality, it had been gradually voided with the appearance of shoen and samurai clans during Heian period.


alternative words: National seclusion, National seclusion policy
keywords: law
related topics: Edo shogunate , Commodore Perry , Kanagawa treaty , Dejima , Siebold , Rangaku
related web sites:
explanation: Foreign policy of Edo shogunate between 1639 and 1853. It consists of banning the commerce with Portuguese and Spaniards, and Christian missionary work. It banned also a foreign travel of Japanese. Chinese and Hollanders were allowed to trade with Japanese only in Deshima island at Nagasaki. This law not enumerating the authorized countries, it provoked a discontent when Russians arrived in 19th century but it is an American, Commodore Perry who broke up the law in 1853.


alternative words: Sankin kotai, Sankinkoutai, Sankin koutai
keywords: law
related topics: Edo shogunate , Daimyo , Edo period , Buke shohatto , Edo
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: During Edo period, in order to control strictly each daimyo, Edo shogunate forced them to travel every year between their feuds and Edo (actual Tokyo) while their wives and heirs had to live permanently in Edo. Though a similar system had already existed in Sengoku period, the shogunate institutionalized it under "Buke shohatto" law in 1615. It happened also to be a very ruinous practice because some daimyo had to travel with a cortege of more than 1000 followers during 1 month.


alternative words: Shi no ko sho, Shino kosho, Shinoukoushou, Shi nou kou shou, Warrior farmer artisan merchant
keywords: law
related topics: Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Edo shogunate , Daimyo
explanation: During the middle ages (Kamakura Muromachi periods), many farmers were part time warriors and it was a serious threat for established seigniors. Toyotomi Hideyoshi organized a separation among 4 categories of people (warrior farmer artisan and merchant) by confiscating sabers from farmers (Katanagari) and Edo shugunate completed it. But due to the development of a money base economy, daimyo became so poor that many wealthy farmers and merchants could buy warrior position (Shibun).

Taisho democracy

alternative words: Taisho democracy movement, Democracy of Taisho
keywords: event , law
related topics: Taisho period , Genro
explanation: Popular movement of Taisho period, demanding to suppress the privilege of privy council (sumitsuin), genro, house of peers, army etc and to establish an universal suffrage. The main ideologues were Yoshino Sakuzo and Minobe Tatsukichi. The movement was strongly influenced by European democracy movement of post world war I and shifted gradually to a socialist movement. After the promulgation of universal suffrage and peace preservation law (Chian ijiho) in 1925, it ran out of stream.

Tenpo reform

天保の改革 天保改革
alternative words: Tenpo no kaikaku, Tempo reform, Tempo no kaikaku, Tenpou reform, Tenpou no kaikaku
keywords: event , law
related topics: Mizuno Tadakuni , Edo period , Edo shogunate , Daimyo , Hatamoto
explanation: Reform of Edo shogunate launched by Roju, Mizuno Tadakuni in 1841-43. Following the great famine of Tenpo in 1833-36, the deficit of Edo shogunate increased while a great inflation appeared in big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. Mizuno Tadakuni ordered to stop the luxury and send back farmers to their homelands (Hitogaeshi). He tried also to concentrate shogun's land around Edo (Agechirei) but it provoked a strong opposition among hatamoto and daimyo and forced him to resign roju.

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