Konjaku monogatari今昔物語 今昔物語集alternative words: Tales of times now past, Konjakumonogatari, Konjakumonogatarishu, Konjaku monogatari shu keywords: book , tale related topics: Heian period , Abe no Seimei , Koropokkuru , Sakata no Kintaro related web sites: http://ddb.libnet.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/metaphor/konjaku/kjframe.htm , http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~wx7s-yngd/q3/q3.html explanation: Collection of short novels written by Minamoto no Takakuni at the end of Heian period from the popular oral tales of that epoch. It contains more than 1000 tales divided onto 31 volumes and covers the histories of Japan, China and India (mostly Buddhist sources for the latter). Being of excellent literature, many modern writers have inspired from it like Rashomon of Akutagawa Ryunosuke, adapted to a movie by Kurosawa Akira. Manyoshu万葉集alternative words: Manyo-shu, Manyo shu, Manyoushuu, Manyou-shuu, Manyou shuu, Anthology of Manyo keywords: book , poesy related topics: Otomo no Yakamochi , Nara period , Waka , Azumauta related web sites: http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~manyo/index2.html , http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/manyo/ , http://yoshi01.kokugo.edu.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/manyou/manyou.html , http://www.iwai-h.ed.jp/~teru/manyo/top.html explanation: The oldest extant anthology of Japanese poems. It was published at the end of Nara period and contains about 4500 poems from the 5th to the 7th centuries compiled by the famous poet, Otomo no Yakamochi. Not only it is an inappreciable source from the artistic view point but linguistically: by reading this book, man has discovered that Japanese language should have 8 vowels at that time. Nihonshoki日本書紀 日本紀alternative words: Nihon-shoki, Nihon shoki, Nohongi, Nihon-gi, Nihon gi keywords: book related topics: Kojiki , Emperor Jimmu , Empress Jingu , Prince Yamatotakeru related web sites: http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~pip/ututu/ explanation: The oldest official Japanese history book. Written by Prince Toneri assisted by Oono Yasumaro and published in 720, it contains 30 volumes and embraces the mythological era until the end of Empress Jito's reign in 697. Contrary to Kojiki, published at the same epoch, Nihonshoki is an official book resulting from a synthesis of different sources: if there exists a contradiction on the description of a event, it enumerates different versions. Shin kokinshu新古今和歌集 新古今集alternative words: Shinkokinshu, Shin kokinwakashu, Shinkokinwakashu, Shin kokin wakashu keywords: book , poesy related topics: Kamakura period , Fujiwara no Sadaie , Waka , Kokinwakashu , Emperor Gotoba related web sites: http://kotodama.kokugakuin.ac.jp/digital/diglib/skw1865/mag1/pages/page001.html , http://www.iwai-h.ed.jp/~teru/sinko/top.html , http://www07.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/df6/htac/body/koten/sinkokin.htm explanation: Anthology of Japanese poems (waka) of early Kamakura period. Created by the order of a retired emperor, Gotoba in 1201, it was the last of 8 imperial poem anthologies (Chokusen wakashu). The compilers are: Minamoto no Michitomo, Fujiwara no Ariie, Fujiwara no Sadaie, Fujiwara no Ietaka, Asukai Masatsune, Jakuren. Composed of 20 volumes with 1980 poems, its style is based on a referencing of old poetry (Honka dori) and a subtle profundity (Yugen). Shoku nihongi続日本記alternative words: Shokunihongi, Shoku nihonki, Shokunihonki keywords: book related topics: Nara period , Nihonshoki explanation: One of the 6 official Japanese history books (Rikkokushi). Completed in 797 by Sugano no Mamichi as chief editor, it covers the period following Nihon shoki (697-791 AD). Composed with 40 volumes, it is considered the most fundamental document of Nara period history. Taiheiki太平記alternative words: Taihei-ki, Taihei ki keywords: book related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Emperor Godaigo , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Nanbokucho period related web sites: http://office.independence.co.jp/taihei/ , http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~wx7s-yngd/e01/e01.html , http://www9.big.or.jp/~hiroshi1/history.htm explanation: Contrary to its name may suggest (Taiheiki means "chronicle of the peace"), it is a war tale. Composed of 40 volumes, it covers the fall of Kamakura shogunate by Emperor Godaigo in 1333 to the stabilization of Muromachi shogunate by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, by passing the period of "Southern and northern courts" when there existed simultaneously 2 emperors. With the participation of several authors (Kojima hoshi is one of them), it was completed in 1371. Wamyosho和名抄alternative words: Wamyo ruijishyo, Wamyo ruiji shyo, Wamyoshou, Wamyou ruijishyo, Wamyo ruiji shyou keywords: book related topics: Heian period explanation: Japanese first encyclopedia compiled by Minamoto no Shitagou as chief editor around 934. Containing a great number of animal, plant, food, stellar, geographic names, etc. in Chinese characters and corresponding Japanese pronunciation in manyogana, followed by citations, it forms an inestimable source of Heian period and its linguistic. There exist a short edition with 10 volumes and a long one with 20 volumes but the relationship between them is unclear. 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