
Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: railroad

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Keisei electric railway

alternative words: Keisei railway, Keiseidentetsu, Keisei-dentetsu, Keisei dentetsu, Kesedentetsu
keywords: company , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Chiba Prefecture , Narita Airport
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explanation: Railway company founded in 1909 and covering the region between Tokyo and the northern part of Chiba prefecture especially Narita region. A no stop train (Keisei sky liner) connects Narita airport and Ueno station in the east of Tokyo in one hour. The company operates also many bus lines and estate business.

Kinki nippon railway

近畿日本鉄道 近鉄
alternative words: Kinki nippon tetsudo, Kinki nihon tetsudo, Kintetsu
keywords: company , nara , osaka , railroad
related topics: KNT , Osaka city , Nara prefecture , Nagoya city
related web sites:
explanation: Owing many lines in Kinki region around Osaka, Nara and Nagoya, Kintetsu is the biggest private railroad company after JR group. It was founded in 1944 and has diversified its activity to different business such as bus lines, real estates, department stores and leisure lands. It owns "Kinki nippon tourist bureau" too.

Linear motor train

リニアカー リニアモータカー
alternative words: Maglev train, Linear train, Linear car, Linear motor car
keywords: railroad , research center
related topics: Shinkansen , Miyazaki prefecture , Yamanashi prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: In order to make up for a forthcoming saturation of Tokaido Shinkansen line, the government launched studies of a new transport system based on magnetic levitation. After having reached 300 km/h with small size vehicle on an experimental line located in Miyazaki prefecture, full scale experiments began on Yamanshi experimental line near Tokyo in April 1997. In December 1997, a vehicle reached 531 km/h and in April 1999, 552 km/h (world record). Reliability test still continues.

Nankai electric railway

南海電鉄 南海
alternative words: Nankai denki tetsudo, Nankaidentetsu, Nankai dentetsu
keywords: company , osaka , railroad
related topics: Kansai airport , Osaka prefecture , Wakayama prefecture , Kongobuji temple , Kinki nippon railway
related web sites: ,
explanation: Small railroad company serving between Osaka and Wakayama prefectures. The company has separated from Kinki nippon railway since 1947. It owns now many bus lines and is in estate business too. You can get to Kansai airport from Osaka city by using this company too.

Nishi-nippon railroad

西日本鉄道 西鉄
alternative words: Nishi nippon railroad, Nishinihon railroad, Nishi-nippon railway, Nishinihon railway, West Japan railroad, Nishitetsu
keywords: company , railroad
related topics: Fukuoka Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Railroad company operating mostly in the north Kyushu region. Initially founded in 1908 with the name Kyshu denkikido, it took the actual name after the merge with other railroad companies in 1942. Its headquarters is situated at Fukuoka city and the company employs about 7000 persons.

Odakyu electric railway

alternative words: Odakyu railway, Odakyudentetsu, Odakyu-dentetsu, Odakyu dentetsu
keywords: company , kanagawa , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Hakone , Shinjuku , Odawara city
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explanation: Railroad company founded in 1923 and covering the region between Tokyo and the western part of Kanagawa prefecture, especially Odawara city and Mt Hakone. Its express trains bring you from Shinjuku station in Tokyo to the foot of Mt Hakone in one hour and half. The company is operating also in estate, leisure land and hotel business especially in Hakone region. It owns a big department store near Shinjuku station too.

Seibu railway

alternative words: Seibutetsudo, Seibu-tetsudo, Seibu tetsudo, Sebutetsudo, Sebu railway
keywords: company , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Ikebukuro , Shinjuku , Saitama Prefecture , Hanno city
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explanation: Founded in 1912. Initially a tiny company operating only the line between Ikebukuro and Hanno with the name of Musashino railway, it has become big by absorbing other rail road companies and established a dense network in the west of Tokyo and the south of Saitama prefecture. It owns also estate and leisure land business such as "Seibu leisure park" near Tokorozawa city and "Toshima park" while the supermarkets and department stores are now owned by a separate company.


alternative words: Bullet train, High speed train, Super express train
keywords: railroad
related topics: JR Tokai , JR East Japan , JR West Japan , Linear motor train
related web sites: ,
explanation: In order to cope with a saturation of Tokaido line which connects Tokyo and Osaka, the government decided to construct a second railroad, Tokaido shinkansen, based on a revolutionary plan: no crossing points and no merchandise wagons. The construction began in 1959 and achieved in 1964. Because of its success, the government has extended the same technology on other lines: Sanyo shinkansen, Tohoku shinkansen, Joetsu shinkansen. Shikansen means "new trunk line".

Teito Rapid Transit Authority

営団地下鉄 帝都高速度交通営団
alternative words: Eiden, Eiden subway, Tokyo subway, Tokyo underground railroad
keywords: company , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Semi-public and semi-private company which manages a part of Tokyo's subway system. Founded in 1941, it owns 8 lines of subway, i.e. about 160km.

Tobu railway

東武鉄道 東武
alternative words: Tobutetsudo, Tobu tetsudo, Toubu tetsudo, Toubu railway, Tobu, Toubu
keywords: company , railroad , tokyo
related topics: Saitama prefecture , Gunma prefecture , Tochigi prefecture , Nikko , Tobu zoological garden
related web sites:
explanation: Railway company founded in 1897 and covering the region between Tokyo and north of Kanto region, i.e. Gunma and Tochigi prefectures, especially Nikko region. The company operates also many bus lines, estate business and leisure lands.

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