
Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: kyoto

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Kyoto City

京都市 京都
alternative words: Kyotoshi city, Kyotoshi, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto shi, Kyoto, Kioto
keywords: kyoto , tourist resort , town
related topics: Kyoto Prefecture , Kinkakuji Temple , Ginkakuji Temple , Nishi Honganji Temple , Yasaka Shrine , Heanjingu Shrine , Nijo Castle
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explanation: Town where the office of Kyoto Prefecture is situated. The population is 1.5 million. Kyoto has been built by Emperor Kanmu in 794 and remained as Japanese capital during more than 1000 years until 1869. By imitating Chinese capital, the town is divided into districts by horizontal and vertical streets as a checkerboard. As an old political center, there exist innumerable temples and shrines like Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji. Traditional cloth and pottery manufactures are notorious too.

Kyoto Prefecture

京都府 京都
alternative words: Kyotofu prefecture, Kyotofu, Kyoto fu, Kyoto, Kioto
keywords: kyoto , prefecture
related topics: Kyoto City , Amanohashidate , Kamo river
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explanation: Kyoto prefecture occupies the north-central part of Kinki region, facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 4,612 km2 and the population 2.5 millions. The prefectural office is at Kyoto City. The northern region is mountainous and heavily snowed in winter, while the southern plain is urbanized and mostly occupied by Kyoto City. As an old culture center of Japan, many crafts are produced such as pottery, silk cloths and dye works, and of course the tourism is prosperous.

Maizuru city

舞鶴市 舞鶴
alternative words: Maizurushi city, Maizurushi, Maizuru shi, Maizuru
keywords: harbor , kyoto , military base , town
related topics: Kyoto prefecture
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explanation: Located in northern Kyoto prefecture on Japan sea, the actual Maizuru originated from a merger of 2 towns: western Maizuru which was a castle town of lord Kyogoku and eastern Maizuro which developed as a military harbor. The harbor was a repatriate base of overseas Japanese after WWII. The main activities are shipyards, machinery, chemical and textile industry, and trade with Russia and Korea. The shore belongs to Wakasa bay national selection park. The population is 94,000.

Nijo Castle

alternative words: Nijojo Castle, Nijo jo Castle, Nijojo, Nijoujo, Nijo jo, Nijou jo
keywords: castle , kyoto , world heritage
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Castle served as a residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of Edo shogunate, during his stay at Kyoto. It was completed in 1603 but lost its main keep (Honmaru) in 1750 by a fire, which was rebuilt in 1827. The remaining auxiliary keep (Ninomaru) has been designated as a national treasure because of a good conservation of Azuchi Momoyama style (late 16th century).

Nishi Honganji Temple

alternative words: Nishihonganji Temple, Nishihonganji, Nishihongan-ji, Nishi honganji, Honganji Temple, Hongan-ji Temple
keywords: kyoto , temple
related topics: Kyoto City , Tsukiji Honganji Temple
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explanation: One of the most prestigious temples in Japan, situated at Kyoto City. Though its history is older, it was moved to the actual place thanks to an aid of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1591. It belongs to the school of Jodo Shinshu initiated by the famous Buddhist priest, Shinran but is has been split into several rival sects. For example, Higashihonganji Temple, built with an aid of Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1602 also at Kyoto City belongs to another sect.

Ryoanji Temple

alternative words: Ryoan Temple, Ryoan-ji Temple, Ryoanji, Ryoan-ji, Ryoan ji, Ryouanji, Ryouan ji, Stone garden
keywords: garden , kyoto , temple
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Located in "Ukyo ward" of Kyoto city, the temple was founded by Hosokawa Katsumoto in 1450 but burned out during Onin war in Muromachi period. The temple is better known for its stone garden rather than its building. It consists of 15 rocks scattered on white sands and is considered one of the best Zen style gardens in Japan.

Yasaka Shrine

alternative words: Yasakajinja Shrine, Yasakajinja, Yasaka-jinja, Yasaka jinja
keywords: kyoto , shrine
related topics: Kyoto City , Gion
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explanation: Situated in the east of Kyoto City, the initial shrine was built in 667 to worship Japanese Sea God, Susanou no Mikoto and his wife Kushiinada-hime. The actual building, dated from 1654, keeps well the style of Heian Period. Its festival, Gion Matsuri is notorious.

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