Ishigaki island
alternative words: Ishigakijima island, Ishigakijima, Ishigaki jima keywords: island , okinawa , tourist resort related topics: Okinawa prefecture , Senkaku islands related web sites: , explanation: Ishigakijima is the main island of Sakijima gunto (Yaeyama retto), a group of islands located between Okinawa and Taiwan. Ishigakijima is formed mainly with a plateau of coral origin and people is living with the culture of tropical plants and tourism. It owns a small airport but its extension is blocked due to an opposition of environmentalists. Being located on the passage of typhoons, each house is surrounded with stone walls (Ishigaki). The surface is 221 km2. Iwo Island
alternative words: Iwo-jima Island, Iwojima Island, Io Island, Iojima Island, Iwojima, Iwo jima, Ioujima, Iou jima, Volcano Islands keywords: island , military base , tokyo , volcano related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Ogasawara Islands related web sites: , , , explanation: Tiny island lost in the Pacific Ocean between Tokyo and Guam. At the end of WWII, a fierce battle took place between Americans and Japanese. It was returned back to Japan in 1968 but still inhabited only by servicemen. Its surface is about 20 km2 and you can access there from Ogasawara Island by charting a fishing ship but a permission to land is needed. Izu Islands
alternative words: 7 Izu Islands, Izu shoto, Izu shotou, Izu shichi to, Izu shichito, Izu shichi tou, Izu shichitou, Izu archipelagos, Izu keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort , volcano related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Izuoshima Island , Miyake island , Hachijo island , Ogasawara Islands , Niijima island related web sites: , , explanation: Volcanic island chain located between Tokyo and Ogasawara islands on the Pacific ocean. The 7 constituent islands are from the north to the south: Oshima, Toshima, Nijima, Kozujima, Miyakejima, Mikurajima, et Hchijojima. Washing by Kuroshiwo current, the climate is very mild, especially Hachijojima. Oshima and Miyakejima own active volcanoes. Located near Tokyo, they receive many tourists during summer season. All the islands belong to "Fuji Hakone Izu National Park". Izuoshima Island
alternative words: Izu oshima island, Oshima island, Ohshima island, Izuohshima island, Oshima, Izuoshima, Izu-oshima, Izu oshima keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort , volcano related topics: Mt. Fuji , Hakone , Izu Islands related web sites: , , explanation: The biggest and the most northern island in Izu archipelagos (Oshima means "big island" in Japanese). Its surface is 91 km2 and the population, about 10,000. Volcanic origin as other Izu islands, it owns at center, an active volcano Mt. Mihara (758 m high). Being located near Tokyo, the island is visited by many tourists. With Mt. Fuji and Hakone which are also volcanoes, it belongs to "Fuji Hakone Izu National Park". You can reach there by airplane or ship from Tokyo. Kunashiri Island
alternative words: Kunashir Island, Kunashirito Island, Kunashiri to Island, Kunashiri to, Kunashiri, Kunashir keywords: hokkaido , island , territorial dispute , volcano related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kuril Island , Etorofu Island related web sites: , explanation: The most southern island of Kuril chain. The culminate point is Mt. Chacha of 1,882m. In the north, it is separated with Etorofu Island by Kunashiri Strait while in the south with Hokkaido by Nemuro Strait. Between winter and spring, its coast is covered with ices coming from the north. Main towns are Tomari and Furukamappu, and its surface is 1550 km2. With Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai islands, it forms so called "northern territory", of which return back is always claimed by Japan. Kuril Island
alternative words: Kuril Islands, Kuril, Kurile, Kurils, Koorile, Chishima, Chi-shima, Chi shima, Chishima retto keywords: hokkaido , island , territorial dispute , volcano related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kunashiri Island , Etorofu Island , Nemuro city related web sites: , , explanation: A chain of volcanic islands spreading from Kamchatka peninsula to Hokkaido on 1200 km long. It separates Okhotsuk sea from the Pacific Ocean. The total surface is 15,600 km2 and composed of about 30 main islands. Its climate is very harsh: in summer, fogs, and in winter, ice and snow. Japanese word "Chishima" means "thousand islands" while Russian word "Kuril" comes from Ainu tribe living in Kamchatka, "kuri". Japan is still claiming the southern part of Kurils. Kyushu island
alternative words: Kyushu, Kyushu-to, Kyushu to, island of Kyushu keywords: island , kyushu , okinawa , region related topics: Okinawa prefecture , Inland sea , Oosumi strait related web sites: , explanation: The 3th largest island of Japan. Facing to the north, Korean peninsula and to the west, Chinese continent, it has been always an entry point of Asian civilization to Japan. The northern part is formed essentially by plans and low hills while the central and southern parts are formed by high mountains and volcanoes. The western cost draws very complex lines and contains many peninsulas and small islands. The climate is temperate in the north and mild in the south. The surface is about 36,000 km2. Matsushima
alternative words: Matsu-shima, Matsu Island, Matsu Islands, Matsushima Island, Matsushima Islands, Pine tree islands keywords: island , tourist resort related topics: Miyagi Prefecture , Itsukushima Shrine , Amanohashidate related web sites: explanation: Group of tiny islands located in Matsushima Bay near Sendai City. The number of islands is about 260. Being planted everywhere by pine trees, they have this name (Matsushima means "pine tree islands" in Japanese.). It belongs to "3 Japanese famous views" with Amanohashidate and Itsukushima Shrine. Miyake island
alternative words: Miyakejima island, Miyakejima, Miyake-jima, Miyake jima keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort , volcano related topics: Izu Islands , Izuoshima Island , Tokyo prefecture related web sites: , explanation: The third biggest island of Izu islands after Oshima and Hachijojima. Its surface is 55km2 and the population about 4000. The central peak, Mt. Oyama (814m), is an active volcano. Since an explosion at the beginning of this summer (2000), all the inhabitants have been evacuated from Miyakejima. With Mt. Fuji and Hakone which are also volcanoes, it belongs to "Fuji Hakone Izu National Park". You can reach there by airplane or ship from Tokyo. Myojinsho
alternative words: Myojinsho reef, Myojin reef, Myojin sho, Myojinshou, Myojin shou keywords: island , volcano related topics: Hachijo island related web sites: explanation: Underwater volcano located at 130km south of Hachijo island, Myojinsho suddenly surfaced in September 1952 and formed an island with 500m high over the sea level. But after multiple explosions and sea erosion, the island disappeared in next year. The disappearance of an observation ship, Daigo Kaiyomaru with 31 crew members in 1952 shows the violence of its explosions. It exploded again in 1970 and currently its summit is 43m under waters. Page number: 1 2 3 4 35 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |