Ashikaga Takauji足利尊氏alternative words: Takauji Ashikaga keywords: famous person , shogun related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Kamakura shogunate , Shogun , Emperor Godaigo , Kusunoki Masashige , Nanbokucho period related web sites: explanation: 1st shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in an important family of samurai in 1305. Called by Kamakura shogunate to subdue a rebellion, he had betrayed it and supported Emperor Godaigo. After another treason, he overthrew the imperial regime of Godaigo (Nan-cho) and set up another regime (Hoku-cho) by nominating Emperor Kome. He himself became shogun by opening Muromachi shogunate at Kyoto. Dead by illness in 1358 before unifying 2 imperial regimes. Ashikaga Yoshimasa足利義政alternative words: Yoshimasa Ashikaga keywords: famous person , shogun related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Onin war , Shogun related web sites: explanation: Born in 1463 as a son of Ashikaga Yoshinori, the 6th Muromachi shogun. After a premature death of his brother, Yoshikatsu, he became the 8th shogun. Unable to get a child, he had chosen his young brother, Yoshimi, as his hair. One year later, his wife gave a son, Yoshihisa, and this provoked the most bloodiest power struggle in Muromachi period, "Onin War". Uninterested in politics, he gave up his title to Yoshihisa and retired in Ginkakuji Temple, built for his taste. He died in 1490. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu足利義満 義満alternative words: Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, Yoshimitsu keywords: famous person , shogun related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Shogun , Nanbokucho period related web sites: explanation: 3rd shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in 1358 as the eldest son of Ashikaga Yoshiakira, the 2nd shogun. Yoshimitsu unified successfully 2 imperial families (Nancho and Hokucho) which had divided the country, began the official trade with China, and built "Hanano gosho" as the office of Muromachi shogunate and Kinkakuji temple as his villa. During his reign, Muromachi shogunate reached its apogee. He died in 1358. Edo shogunate江戸幕府 徳川幕府alternative words: Edo bakufu, Edobakufu, Tokugawa shogunate, Tokugawa bakufu keywords: office , shogun related topics: Edo period , Shogunate , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Tokugawa Yoshinobu , Roju , Sakoku , Gosanke , Tokugawashi related web sites: explanation: Shogunate beginning with the nomination of Tokugawa Ieyasu to shogun in 1603 and ending with a return back of this title by the 15th shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu. The shogunate office is at Edo, actual Tokyo. Contrary to other shogunates, the regime was very stable because the important functions like Roju and Bugyo were hold simultaneously by several persons. Moreover each seigniors had to let live his wife and heir at Edo as hostages. Kamakura shogunate
alternative words: Kamakura bakufu keywords: office , shogun related topics: Kamakura period , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Emperor Gotoba , Emperor Godaigo , Hojoshi , Shikken , Shugo , Jito , Rokuhara tandai related web sites: explanation: Shogunate opened by Minamoto no Yoritomo in 1192 with its office settled at Kamakura. It is the first era when samurais took powers and the provinces had been administered by his own officials, Shugo and Jito. After the death of Yoritomo, there were no valid successors, so Hojo clan established a regency (Shikken), shogun becoming a symbolic title. Though survived with Shokyu disturbance of 1221 and Mongol invasions of 1274 and 1281, it collapsed by the attack of Nitta Yoshisada in 1333. Minamoto no Yoritomo源頼朝 頼朝alternative words: Minamoto-no-yoritomo, Minamotono Yoritomo, Yoritomo keywords: famous person , shogun , war lord related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Kamakura period , Shogun , Genji , Heishi , Minamoto no Yoshitsune , Hojoshi , Hojo Masako , Gempei gassen explanation: Born in Genji family as the 3d son of Yoshitomo in 1147. His father having lost Heiji war, had been executed and young Yoritomo, forced to exile in Izu province. 20 years later, thanks to an aid of his father-in-law, Hojo Tokimasa, he had subjugated Kanto region and made Kamakura, his fief. Ingenious politician, he finally succeeded to eliminate Heike family and Oshu Fujiwara together with Yoshitsune. He became shogun in 1192 and died in 1199 after a fall from the horse. Muromachi shogunate
alternative words: Muromachi bakufu, Ashikaga shogunate, Ashikaga bakufu keywords: office , shogun related topics: Muromachi period , Shogunate , Ashikaga Takauji , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Oda Nobunaga , Onin war , Shugo related web sites: , explanation: Shogunate opened by Ashikaga Takauji in 1336. Its political system was similar to Kamakura shogunate but the territorial controls scarcely extended beyond the region of Kyoto: each province had been administered by a powerful local seignior, called "Shugo Daimyo". Kanto region had been administered by Kanto Kanryo and Kyushu region by Kyushu Tandai. After Onin war, the shogunate became a symbolic institution and this pushed Oda Nobunaga to suppress it in 1573. Shikken執権alternative words: Hojo regency keywords: shogun , title related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Hojoshi , Hojo Tokimune explanation: Post created by Minamoto no Yoritomo of Kamakura shogunate as an attendant of Shogun in order to supervise military and judicial matters. Once the children of Yoritomo succeeded him, this post became another power pole of the shogunate and replaced the power of Shogun himself. This post was traditionally inherited by Hojo family because Yoritomo got married with a girl of this family, Hojo Masako. The post was suppressed with the fall of Kamakura shogunate in 1333. Shogun将軍 征夷大将軍alternative words: Shougun, Seitaishogun, Seiitaishogun, Sei tai shogun, Seii tai shogun, Sei taishogun, Seii taishogun, Seii daishogun keywords: shogun , title related topics: Shogunate , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Ashikaga Takauji , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Tokugawa Ieyasu explanation: This title had appeared during Nara period and means "Great general to conquer barbarians". As its name indicates, the title holder had a prerogative to recruit soldiers to subdue Ainu's revolts, but it was temporary once. Gradually it had transformed to designate a supreme chef of samurais without any relation with Ainu. Since Kamakura period, the title had become permanent and used until the end of Edo period. Shogun (=general) is an abbreviation of Seitaishogun. Shogunate幕府alternative words: Bakufu, Shogunates keywords: office , shogun related topics: Shogun , Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Edo shogunate , Minamoto no Yoritomo explanation: Initially the term of Bakufu appeared in China to designate the headquarters of a general in expedition and means "office under tent". In Japan, after Minamoto no Yoritomo had become shogun and virtually replaced the prerogative of imperial court, the term was used to designate the shogun's office. There had existed 3 successive shogunates in Japan: Kamakura shogunate, Muromachi shogunate and Edo shogunate, and designate vaguely the period administered by respective shoguns. Page number: 1 2 12 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |