Bugyo奉行alternative words: Bugyou, Commissioner, Magistrate, Magistracy keywords: office , title related topics: Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Edo shogunate , Hakodate bugyo , Machi bugyo explanation: A high ranking official of samirai, the name appeared first during Kamakura period and the function had changed with the epochs. The most well known examples are 5 Bugyo of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and different bugyos of Edo shogunate. For the latter case, bugyo is virtually equivalent to a government minister, a big city's mayor or a regional governor. For example: Kanjo bugyo = finance minister, Edo-machi bugyo = Tokyo's mayor, Hakodate bugyo = Hokkaido's governor. Edo shogunate江戸幕府 徳川幕府alternative words: Edo bakufu, Edobakufu, Tokugawa shogunate, Tokugawa bakufu keywords: office , shogun related topics: Edo period , Shogunate , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Tokugawa Yoshinobu , Roju , Sakoku , Gosanke , Tokugawashi related web sites: http://www2.cnet.ne.jp/ahgama/ explanation: Shogunate beginning with the nomination of Tokugawa Ieyasu to shogun in 1603 and ending with a return back of this title by the 15th shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu. The shogunate office is at Edo, actual Tokyo. Contrary to other shogunates, the regime was very stable because the important functions like Roju and Bugyo were hold simultaneously by several persons. Moreover each seigniors had to let live his wife and heir at Edo as hostages. Guandong army関東軍alternative words: Kwantung army, Kantogun, Kanto gun, Kantougun, Kantou gun keywords: china , colony , office , weapon , world war 2 related topics: Guandong army , Manshukoku , Russo-Japanese war , Nomonhan incident explanation: After Russo-Japanese war, Japan created an independent army group at Port Arthur in 1919 to protect Liaodong peninsula and south Manchurian railroad. After Manchurian incident in 1931, it conquered all the Manchuria and strove to protect Japanese interests by provoking Nomonhan incident. During the world war II, the best units were sent to Pacific front to fight against Americans so when Soviets entered the war on August 8, 1945, they collapsed without resistance. Hakodate bugyo
keywords: northern territory , office related topics: Edo shogunate , Bugyo , Ezochi , Matsumae domain explanation: Matsumae domain owing a small number of soldiers (samurai), they were unable to stop Russian incursions. For that reason, Edo shogunate put the eastern part of Hokkaido and Kuril islands, i.e. Eastern Ezochi under its direct administration in 1802. The administration office had been at Hakodate in the south of Hokkaido until 1807 when it was replaced by Matsumae Bugyo which came to control all the Matsumae domain. Insei院政alternative words: Cloister government keywords: office related topics: Fujiwara family , Heian period , Kamakura shogunate , Jokou , Kanpaku , Heishi , Genji , Emperor Gotoba explanation: Politics carried out by retired emperors, Jouko or Hoou. The second half of Heian period, from Emperor Shirakawa in 1086 to the start of Kamakura shogunate in 1192 was called Insei period. First it opposed to kanpaku policy of Fujiwara family then policy of Heishi and Genji families. After the failure of Shoku rebellion by Gotoba joko against Kamakura shogunate, insei became a symbolic power. When a retired prim minister acts as tutor of the current one, it is also called insei but no legal base. Kamakura shogunate
alternative words: Kamakura bakufu keywords: office , shogun related topics: Kamakura period , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Emperor Gotoba , Emperor Godaigo , Hojoshi , Shikken , Shugo , Jito , Rokuhara tandai related web sites: http://www.geocities.jp/michio_nozawa/kamakura1.html explanation: Shogunate opened by Minamoto no Yoritomo in 1192 with its office settled at Kamakura. It is the first era when samurais took powers and the provinces had been administered by his own officials, Shugo and Jito. After the death of Yoritomo, there were no valid successors, so Hojo clan established a regency (Shikken), shogun becoming a symbolic title. Though survived with Shokyu disturbance of 1221 and Mongol invasions of 1274 and 1281, it collapsed by the attack of Nitta Yoshisada in 1333. Kanto kanrei
alternative words: Kantou kanrei, Kanto kanre keywords: office , title related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Kamakura shogunate , Ashikaga Takauji explanation: After the suppression of Kamakura shogunate, Muromach shogunate established a special office "Kantofu" in Kanto region because of its strategic importance. The post came to Ashikaga Motouji, the 3rd son of Takauji, and his siblings were called "Kanto kubo" or "Kamakura kubo" while the assistant post, "Kanto Kanrei", came to Uesugi Noriaki and his siblings. The post of Kanto kubo was suppressed after Eikyo rebellion in 1438 while "Kanto kanrei" subsisted until Sengoku period. Kebiishi
alternative words: Kebiishicho, Kebiishi cho, Kebiishinocho, Kebiishi no cho keywords: office , title related topics: Heian period , Heiankyo , Muromachi period related web sites: http://www.sol.dti.ne.jp/~hiromi/kansei/o_tsukai_kebii.html explanation: One of Ryogenokan (extra statutory office) settled in 810. Initially charged with Heiankyo's police affairs, its prerogative increased to judicial affairs by absorbing the powers of Gyobusho (Justice ministry) and Kyobusho (Kyoto's town council). With an increase of the social disorder, it had concentrated all the powers on the police and justice affairs since 910 but declined with a rise of samurai clans since Kamakura period. Muromachi shogunate replaced it with "Samurai dokoro". Kokushi国司keywords: office , title related topics: Ritsuryo system , Heian period , Shoen , Shugo , Kamakura shogunate , Kuni , Kuni no miyatsuko related web sites: http://www3.town.tatsuruhama.ishikawa.jp/hisbook/rekisi/index3/text07.HTM explanation: According to Ritsuryo system, Japan was divided to about 60 provinces and each province was governed by an official sent from the capital. He was responsible of the tax collection and the security. Due to a development of shoen and samurai clans during Heian period, Kokushi appealed gradually to a representative without moving from Kyoto. When Kamakura shogunate created "shugo", Kokushi became useless but still remained as a honorific post until Edo period. Kyoto shoshidai
alternative words: Kyoto deputy keywords: office , title related topics: Muromachi period , Edo shogunate , Roju , Kebiishi , Rokuhara tandai , Daimyo , Bakumatsu , Heiankyo related web sites: http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~house/rekidai/kyoto.htm explanation: During Muromachi period, "Kyoto shoshidai" was dealing with the police and judicial affairs of Kyoto like Kebiishi of Heian period and "Rokuhara tandai" of Kamakura period. Edo shugunate gave him a prerogative to monitor the activity of imperial court and daimyo of Kansai region and the post was considered springboard to Roju, the supreme function of Edo shogunate. During Bakumatsu period, Kyoto shoshidai and Osaka jodai were under the control of "Kyoto shugoshoku". Page number: 1 2 18 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |