Abe no Hirafu阿倍比羅夫 比羅夫alternative words: Abeno Hirafu, Hirafu, Abe no Hirabu, Hirabu keywords: famous person , military man , northern territory related topics: Emperor Tenchi , Ezo , Battle of Hakusukinoe , Paekche related web sites: http://www2.freeweb.ne.jp/~maoda/hirafu2.html explanation: Japanese admiral of Asuka period in the reign of Empress Saimei and Emperor Tenchi. As general governor of Koshi region (northern part of Honshu on the coast of Sea of Japan), he beat Ainu then with their aid, he led 180 battle ships to beat Misehashi (Tungus tribe living in actual maritime province of Russia) at the delta of Amur river. He was then called to Korea to help Paekche to recover their country but severely defeated by Chinese fleet at the battle of Hakusukinoe in 663. Basho場所keywords: northern territory , sumo related topics: Edo period , Ezochi , Sumo , Matsumae domain explanation: During Edo period, some public places were rent to merchants against a part of the earnings coming from their activity. The most famous example is "Sumo Basho" because sumo tournaments occurred initially on the ground of temples or shrines. The exploitation of Ezochi (Hokkaido) also based on this model: wealthy merchants of Tokyo or Osaka received a lot of lands to exploit it freely such as fishing, forest and mines. Daikokuya Kodayu大黒屋光太夫 光太夫alternative words: Kodayu Daikokuya, Daikokuya Koudayuu, Kodayu keywords: famous person , northern territory , russia related topics: Laxman , Ezochi , Sakoku related web sites: http://www.iijnet.or.jp/daikokuya/kyoudo/main.html , http://www.suzuka-ct.ac.jp/genl/fl/tsuzuki/koudayu/kou-sirizu/ko-siri-6-tsuzuki.htm , http://www.pcs.ne.jp/~sakura/kodayu.html explanation: Born in 1751 in Mie prefecture. During a course to bring rice to Tokyo as captain, his ship encountered a storm and wrecked to Aleut islands in 1782. After 4 year stay on an island, he reached finally Russian mainland and met Empress Catherine II. She decided to return him back to Japan, accompanied by Laxman. They arrived in 1792 at Nemuro. Due to Sakoku, he was asked not to tell his travel and spent the remaining life in an official district of Tokyo. He married there and died in 1828. Enomoto Takeaki榎本武揚 榎本武揚alternative words: Takeaki Enomoto, Enomoto Buyo, Buyo Enomoto, Enomoto Buyou, Buyou Enomoto keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , northern territory , statesman related topics: Meiji revolution , Saint Petersburg treaty , Hatamoto , Boshin war explanation: Born in 1836 in a Hatamoto family. He learned naval technique in Tokyo and Nagasaki to become himself a teacher. Between 1862 and 1866, he studied in Holland naval technique and international law. After returned back to Japan, he was nominated to Marine Minister (Kaigun bugyo) of Tokugawa shogunate. After its defeat in 1868, he refused to surrender and fled to Hakodata with his ships, but finally pardoned. He served then in many ministerial posts of Meiji government. Ezo蝦夷 蝦夷alternative words: Emishi, Ainu keywords: minority , northern territory related topics: Ezochi , Nara period , Heian period , Sakanoue no Tamuramaro , Ezochi related web sites: http://www.hi-net.ne.jp/~ma/ , http://yositune.ichinoseki.ac.jp/SATOK/idea/aterui.html , http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Desert/5231/ explanation: Old name of Ainu. Initially populated all Japanese archipelagoes, they had been gradually pushed away to the north. During Nara period, they were still living in Tohoku region and had repeated revolted agains Yamato court. Nevertheless, after a conquest of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro in the early Heian period, their revolts had ceased and their territory had been shrunk to Ezochi, i.e. actual Hokkaido. Ezo is a phonetic deformation of "enju" or "emchiu" in Ainu's language and means "man". Ezochi
alternative words: Ezo-chi, Ezo chi, Land of Ezo, Land of Ainu, Ezo domain, Ainu domain keywords: locality , northern territory related topics: Edo period , Ezo , Mogami Tokunai , Mamiya Rinzo , Matsuura Takeshiro , Matsumae domain , Hakodate bugyo related web sites: http://www.komonsan.on.arena.ne.jp/htm/tokusyu12.htm , http://www.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/hokkaido/mukashi/nenpyo.html , http://www.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/collection/hoppo/ explanation: In a narrow sense, it designates actual Hokkaido but more general sense, it does all the lands where Ainu were living. For example, during Nara period, it begins from actual Tohoku region but, later, from Muromach period its border embraced actual Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kuril. During Edo period, this term had been synonymous to Matsumae domain because it is this family who governed those lands. Golovninゴローニン ゴロブニンalternative words: Vasilij Mikhajlovich Golovnin keywords: famous person , foreigner , military man , northern territory , russia related topics: Takadaya Kahee , Ezochi , Rezanov related web sites: http://www.kufs.ac.jp/toshokan/50/goro.htm explanation: Russian naval officer, born in 1776 in a noble family. As a retaliation against Rezanov's attacks on Japanese trading posts in Kuril and Sakhalin islands, he was captured during a survey work around Kunashir island in Kuril in 1811. In turn, Russians captured a Japanese merchant, Takadaya Kahee who was trading around Kuril islands. Finally both men were liberated in exchange. The book that Golovnin had written on his 3 year captivity in Japan became a best seller. Goto Shinpei後藤新平alternative words: Shinpei Goto, Goto Shimpei, Shimpei Goto, Gotou Shinpei, Shinpei Gotou keywords: northern territory , statesman related topics: Itagaki Taisuke related web sites: http://www.isop.ne.jp/atrui/mizu/goto.html explanation: Born in 1857 in Iwate prefecture. First he studied medicine and became the director of Aichi medical school at the age of 25. By examining Itagaki Taisuke who had been attacked by a thug, he was appointed to the chief of medical bureau of interior ministry. Then he was appointed by Kodama Gentaro to the civilian governor of Taiwan. In 1906, he became the first president of Manchurian railroad then a foreign minister. He was elected mayor of Tokyo in 1920. He died in 1929. Hakodate bugyo
keywords: northern territory , office related topics: Edo shogunate , Bugyo , Ezochi , Matsumae domain explanation: Matsumae domain owing a small number of soldiers (samurai), they were unable to stop Russian incursions. For that reason, Edo shogunate put the eastern part of Hokkaido and Kuril islands, i.e. Eastern Ezochi under its direct administration in 1802. The administration office had been at Hakodate in the south of Hokkaido until 1807 when it was replaced by Matsumae Bugyo which came to control all the Matsumae domain. Hayashi Shihei林子平alternative words: Shihei Hayashi, Hayashi Shihe, Shihe Hayashi keywords: famous person , northern territory , philosophy , scholar related topics: Edo period , Edo shogunate , Ezochi related web sites: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/shojishoji/history/ explanation: Ideologue of Edo period. Born in 1738 at Tokyo in a samuai family. Because of a crime committed by his father, he had been excluded from samurai's hierarchy. He studied at Nagasaki and lived in his uncle's house at Sendai. In order to get a job, he wrote many books: the most famous one is "Kaikoku heidan" which recommended sending massively colons to Hokkaido against Russian incursion. Accused of troubling the public order, his book was banned by Edo shogunate. He died in 1793. Page number: 1 2 3 4 34 articles extracted from postgresql database. | |