
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: book

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風土記 古風土記
alternative words: Fuudoki, Kofudoki, Ko-fudoki
keywords: book , mythology
related topics: Nihonshoki , Nara period , Izumo dynasty , Urashimataro
explanation: In 713, Empress Genmei ordered the governors of each province (about 60) to submit a report of geography, climate, local customs and products, oral traditions etc. in order to facilitate the tax collection and the compilation of forthcoming Nihonshoki. Though most of these documents dispersed (only Izumo province has fully survived), we can still glimpse at rich local folklore that the central government has rejected such as the tale of "Urashima taro" or legend of "Hagoromo".

Genji monogatari

alternative words: Tale of Genji, Tale of Hikaru Genji, Genji-monogatari, Genjimonogatari
keywords: book
related topics: Heian period , Genji monogatari emaki
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: Written by a court lady of Heian period, Murasaki Shikibu at the beginning of the 11th century, it is the oldest existent Japanese roman. Composed of 54 volumes, it relates love stories of a Japanese prince Hikaru Genji and is considered one of the greatest classics of Japanese literature. There exists also series of pictures on this roman, Genji monogatari emaki (picture scrolls of Genji's tale), dated also from Heian period and its scene is used on the new bank note of 2000 yens.

Genji monogatari emaki

alternative words: Genjimonogatari emaki, Genjimonogatariemaki, Tale of Genji scroll
keywords: art , book
related topics: Genji monogatari , Heian period
related web sites: ,
explanation: Scroll book based on the 11th century novel, Genji monogatari and created in 12th century. It contains texts and images of the novel's famous scenes drawn on luxurious paper. The picture might be drawn by an official painter, Fujiwara no Takayoshi and is using typical Japanese painting technique of Heian period (Yamatoe): the houses are transparent excepting for pillars (yatai fukinuke) while the characters have thin eyes and a hook nose (hikime kagihana). It remains only 13 volumes among 54.


alternative words: Gishi wajinden
keywords: book
related topics: Himiko , Yamataikoku
related web sites: ,
explanation: Gishi wajinden is the chapter dedicated to Japan among eastern barbarians, of a Chinese geography and history book, Sangokushi, edited by Chinju at the end of 3th century. It was the first foreign book which described Japan with enough details (circa 2000 Chinese characters) to understand customs, specialties and politically structure of the epoch, so its documental value is huge. It mentioned Yamataikoku reigned by Queen Himiko as Japan's political center but its locality remains mysterious.


alternative words: Gorinno sho, Gorin no sho, book of 5 rings, book of five rings
keywords: book
related topics: Miyamoto Musashi
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Tactic book written by the famous swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi in 1643 at the age of 60 for his disciple, Terao Katsunobe. It is composed of 5 volumes: earth, water, fire, wind and void, that the Buddhists consider as the main components of the Universe. The book gave an information on the knowledge Musashi had acquired during his many mortal combats and his perception of the life. Recently the book has become very popular among businessmen thanks to rich didactic.


葉隠 葉隠聞書 葉隠論語 鍋島論語
alternative words: Hagakure kikigaki, Hagakure rongo, Nabeshima rongo, Way of samurai
keywords: book , philosophy
related topics: Edo period , Samurai , Bushido
related web sites:
explanation: Book written by Tashiro Tsuramoto, a samurai of Saga domain in north Kyushu, from the speech of Yamamoto Tsunetomo, a retired samurai. Containing 11 volumes, it was completed in 1716. It resumes, through 1300 short anecdotes, the daily mental attitude that samurai of Saga should have. The famous expression, "Bushido (samurai's way) is a way of dying" is on this book.

Heike monogatari

alternative words: Tale of Heike, Tale of the Heike, Heikemonogatari
keywords: book
related topics: Taira no Kiyomori , Heishi , Genji , Kamakura period
related web sites:
explanation: War tale written by an unknown author at the beginning of Kamakura period. It tells the history of the emergence of Heike to become the most powerful family in Japan and their disappearance at Dainoura (strait of Kanmon) after beaten by Genji. Its underlying philosophy is the nihilism peculiar to Buddhism (living creature should always die and formed object, disappear). The history was spread by itinerant monk tellers accompanied by lute music (Biwa hoshi).

Ise monogatari

alternative words: Isemonogatari, Tale of Ise
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Heian period , Waka , Kokinwakashu
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Created in the early Heian period, it is one of the most famous and oldest utamonogatari (tales composed alternatively with short texts and waka poems). Containing several poems of a famous poet, Ariwara no Narihira, initially the authorship had been attributed to him but now no one believes it. Composed of 125 short episodes which form the biography of an aristocrat (supposed to be Ariwara no Narihira), it was considered, with Kokinshu, one of the most influential lyric works of this period.


keywords: book
related topics: Nihonshoki , Emperor Jimmu , Prince Yamatotakeru , Prince Shotoku , Motoori Norinaga
related web sites: , ,
explanation: The oldest Japanese history book. Written by Oono Yasumaro from the speech of an imperial storyteller, Hiedano Are and finished in 712, it should have remained as an internal document but discovered later by chance. Embracing the mythological era until the reign of Empress Suiko and prince Shotoku, its style seems more primitive than its contemporary book, Nihonshoki. Kojiki-den published in 1798 by Motoori Norinaga has been a starting point of the modern Kojiki study.


古今和歌集 古今集
alternative words: Kokin-wakashu, Kokin wakashu, Kokinshu
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Ki no Tsurayuki , Heian period , Waka
related web sites:
explanation: Anthology of Japanese poems (waka) of the middle of Heian period. Created by an order of Emperor Daigo, it became the first of the imperial poem anthologies (Chokusen wakashu). The compilers were: Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori (cousin of the former), Oshikochi no Mitsune, Mibu no Tadamine. Containing about 1100 poems on 20 volumes and separated to 13 sections following the season and subject, its gracious and simple style has become a reference of the successive anthologies.

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