
Online Japanese dictionary of foreign words: ドナルド,ドナウ,ドネツィク,ドニエプル,ドーベルマン,ドービル,ドーハ,ドーム,ドーナツ,ドーピング

This is an online Japanese dictionary developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words of foreign origins such as country names. If this is your first visit, please check the list of our Japanese dictionaries. You can narrow your translation search by clicking on a keyword, or find a Japanese character or word from Roman characters (Romaji) or English word. The list of abbreviation should be also helpful.

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Direct access: ドナルド , ドナウ , ドネツィク , ドニエプル , ドーベルマン , ドービル , ドーハ , ドーム , ドーナツ , ドーピング


pronunciation: donarudo
origin: Donald (eg.)
keyword: name
translation: Donald
ドナルドダック: donarudodakku: Donald Duck
ドナルド・サザーランド: donarudosazaarando: Donald Sutherland
ドナルド・トランプ: donarudotoranpu: Donald (John) Trump <<< トランプ
ドナルド・ラムズフェルド: donarudoramuzuferudo: Donald (Henry) Rumsfeld


pronunciation: donau
origin: Donau (de.)
keyword: europe
translation: Danube
ドナウ川: donaugawa: River Danube <<<


pronunciation: donetsuku
other spells: ドネツク
origin: Donećk (ua.)
keyword: europe
translation: Donetsk
ドネツィク市: donetsukushi: City of Donetsk (Ukraine) <<<
check also: ウクライナ


pronunciation: doniepuru
origin: Dnieper (eg.),Дніпро (ua.)
keyword: europe
translation: Dnieper River
ドニエプル川: doniepurugawa <<<
check also: ウクライナ


pronunciation: dooberuman
origin: Dobermann (de.)
keyword: pet
translation: Doberman (dog)
ドーベルマン犬: dooberumanken <<<


pronunciation: doobiru
origin: Deauville (fr.)
keyword: europe
translation: Deauville
ドービル市: doobirushi: City of Deauville <<<


pronunciation: dooha
origin: Doha (eg.)
keyword: asia
translation: Doha (city)
ドーハ市: doohashi: City of Doha (Qatar) <<<
check also: カタール


pronunciation: doomu
origin: dome (eg.)
keyword: town
translation: dome
ドーム形: doomugata: dome-shaped <<<


pronunciation: doonatsu
other spells: ドーナッツ
origin: doughnut (eg.)
keyword: confectionery
translation: doughnut
ドーナツ盤: doonatsuban: EP record <<<


pronunciation: doopingu
origin: doping (eg.)
keyword: sport
translation: doping
ドーピング検査: doopingukensa: dope check <<< 検査
ドーピングテスト: doopingutesuto <<< テスト

The displayed words on this page are 603 - 612 among 3079.
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Pictures' Copyright belongs to each author or legal claimant
Last update: 17/04/24 15:39