Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ý}wý}o'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: corner [curve] of mountains (orig.), hill, corner, nook, flatter (bend the principle), fawn
a, o
o: prefix of affection for women or children (jp.)
阿: kuma: hill, corner, nook <<<
阿る: omoneru: flatter, fawn

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: bird    nb of strokes: 10
translation: crow, raven, black, why, ah, sun (according to a Chinese legend, a crow with 3 legs may be living there)
u, o
烏: karasu: crow, raven
烏が鳴く: karasuganaku: A crow caws <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: man, masculine, male
dan, nan
男: otoko: man, male (n.), lover
男の: otokono: man's, masculine, male (a.)
男の人: otokonohito: man, male <<< , 男性
男の子: otokonoko: boy, baby boy, son <<< , 男子
男らしい: otokorashii: manly, manlike, manful
男らしさ: otokorashisa: manliness
男を上げる: otokooageru: raise one's reputation <<<
男を下げる: otokoosageru: lower one's reputation <<<
男が廃る: otokogasutaru: lose one's honor <<<
男が立たない: otokogatatanai <<<
男を拵える: otokookoshiraeru: have a lover, carry on with a man <<<
男と女: otokotoonnna: man and woman <<<
男の様な女: otokonoyounaonnna: mannish woman
男: o: pers.
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