Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: High school Kimengumi

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High school Kimengumi

alternative words: Sannen Kimengumi
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Motoei Shinzawa , Hentai , Fuji TV , Kimengumi , Shonen Jump
related web sites: ,
explanation: Manga created by a Japanese mangaka, Motoei Shinzawa and published in a weekly magazine, Shonen Jump of Shueisha between 1982 and 1987. It talks about a foolish comedy caused by 2 beautiful high school girls and a band of 5 crazy boys. Because of his way to draw characters (they take suddenly the appearence of a baby) and of mad gags, this manga has succeeded to create many fans among the youth. Anime version was aired between October 1985 and September 1987 by Fuji TV.

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