Online dictionary of Iraq war: Saddam Hussein

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Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein
alternative words: Saddam
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Tikrit , Qusay Hussein , Uday Hussein
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1937 in a village near Tikrit. In 1957, he adhered Baath party. In 1959, the attempt to assassinate prime minister, Abdul Karim Qasim, failed, he fled to Egypt. In 1968, a bloodless coup brought Baath party to the power and Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr became president. In 1979, Saddam succeeded him after having eliminated rivals and next year he entered a war against Khomeini's Iran. In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait but withdrew next year (Gulf war). Since December 2003, he is a captive of coalition.

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